You have a choice of firmware for this NVR It's a great little recorder and fantastic value for money
Lastest firmware is 3.13 Series Chinese to English 3.13.rar?dl=0
also 3.10 also very good.
and the first release which doesn't care about camera region.
All of the above firmware's are for the Chinese NVR and will make it English for you.
Thanks, whoslooking. After modification with HIKTOOLS, can the FW be loaded via the web interface, or is tftp needed? The NVR will continue to function with AliExpress sourced cameras as before?
I have tried multiple times with about every fw posted and keep getting this damn "Open file failure[C:\New\econt_Vision-AV2000]" message.
Any help is much appreciated. I have tried both direct to device and thru router. It is able to pickup the tftp window every time it looks like it takes the file then craps out with this econt_Vision-AV2000 message. It is driving me nuts.
Do you mean that the FW file can be stored in a USB stick, which is then plugged into the front USB port of the NVR?You'll be able to upgrade via the USB of TFTP, I don't recommend web upgrade, as there's to many things that can cause an issue using this method.
Fantastic. Presumably, this is initiated with a restart or power cycle?Yes 100% and upgrade direct on nvr only