Thanks ! For some reason my camera seems to be missing. DS-2CD2342WD-I It is a 4PM dome camera with IR.
Does this list get updated with new models? It is super handy!Hi,
in attachement a xls file with all information about hikvision product got directcly from hikvision when they do human to human business![]()
They are the same camera. Just different lens sizes.Hello there - Is there any comparison available for these Hikvision ColorVu cameras?
Both have the same senor. Can someone comment which one has a better tech spec?
I can't find a single camera in the spreadsheet, only NVRs, and I searched all tabs. What am I missing here?
no one touch this ebay seller. The seller lt_security_systems is a lying spamming crook.I found good price analog cameras:
Turbo camera dome HiLook THC-T320-VF F2.8-12 BUY ONE GET ONE FREE!!! SALE | eBay
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Turbo camera dome HiLook THC-T320-VF F2.8-12 BUY ONE GET ONE FREE!!! SALE at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
maybe someone try it?
Confused with Hikvision model numbers? And features included in specific cameras? Please have a look at this easy-to-read spreadsheet. It'll also give you the prices of cameras from three reputable sellers, it is safe to order from them. In this thread, you can also ask about differences of the models.
>> Hikvision Product Comparison - Google Sheets
(both cameras and NVRs now compared!)
Important thing to note:
If you purchase a Hikvision camera / NVR from Aliexpress, you should not upgrade the firmware. If you upgrade it, the user interface will be in Chinese only. Despite there are some solutions to this issue, it's better not to upgrade the firmware if you are unsure.
This post has been very helpful with my development. I have just downloaded the latest SDK and have noticed there is a new Login function "
I am trying to use it but unfortunately I keep getting error 17, Parameter invalid.
I have spent a long time and I cannot see the error of my way maybe someone can check my wrapper and ensure that it is correct and if they can use the new SDK function correctly. I have a feeling it may be in my wrapper struct declaration.
Thanks in advance.
public static extern int NET_DVR_Login_V40(LPNET_DVR_USER_LOGIN_INFO pLoginInfo,
out LPNET_DVR_DEVICEINFO_V40 lpDeviceInfo);
* typedef struct
char sDeviceAddress[NET_DVR_DEV_ADDRESS_MAX_LEN];
BYTE byUseTransport;
WORD wPort;
fLoginResultCallBack cbLoginResult;
void *pUser;
BOOL bUseAsynLogin;
BYTE byProxyType;
BYTE byUseUTCTime;
BYTE byRes2[2];
LONG iProxyID;
BYTE byRes3[120];
public string sDeviceAddress;
public byte byRes1;
public ushort wPort;
public string sUserName;
public string sPassword;
public fLoginResultCallBack cbLoginResult;
public IntPtr pUser;
public bool bUseAsynLogin;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 128)]
public byte[] byRes2;
* typedef void(CALLBACK *fLoginResultCallBack)(
DWORD dwResult,
void *pUser
public delegate void fLoginResultCallBack(int lUserID, uint dwResult,
NET_DVR_DEVICEINFO_V30 lpDeviceInfo, IntPtr pUser);
BYTE bySupportLock;
BYTE byRetryLoginTime;
BYTE byPasswordLevel;
BYTE byRes1;
DWORD dwSurplusLockTime;
BYTE byCharEncodeType;
BYTE byRes2[255];
public struct LPNET_DVR_DEVICEINFO_V40
public NET_DVR_DEVICEINFO_V30 struDeviceV30;
public byte bySupportLock;
public byte byRetryLoginTime;
public byte byPasswordLevel;
public byte byRes1;
public uint dwSurplusLockTime;
public byte byCharEncodeType;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 255)]
public byte[] byRes2;
DS-2CD2T87G2-L model from 2021 with verry old firmware. If it is possible to update to the firmware from 2024, how please?
DS-2CD2T87G2-L(C) - actualy model with current FW from 2024