How to get Blue Iris to automatically start when restarting PC w/Windows 8.1

Thanks TL1096r. I was doing what your link said but the commentary below that tutorial prompted me to change the task schedule to run “after login” in lieu of “at startup“. That worked for me.

All that will do is save you 2 clicks when you logon?
Just wondering, this solution is only applicable to non-administrator user or standard user.
Is there something similar method that works in standard user?
So that standard user is using a computer that has a lockdown security policy - using group policy set by administrator.
If you run as a windows service can you still navigate to the UI from a local computer? or do you have to open the console on the server before you can navigate to the UI?
Simplest method and works perfectly for me with version 5. Please follow exactly. finish blue iris beforehand.

After the restart, BL starts immediately with the UI

blue iris likes to ask for the login pin. This can also be avoided. create windows loginpin and then run this program.

Windows then starts automatically as usual without a pin query and BI is also silent

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