A new version is uploaded, including the much-requested hotkeys. Get it from the usual link in the first post here:
v0.9.0 - 2015-08-30
+ The options window contents are now split into categories.
+ Added a Hotkeys category to the options window.
+ Added the ability to skip forward and backward during clip playback. Only available by hotkey.
+ Added the ability to move to the next and previous clip when you press a hotkey or when the current clip is finished playing.
+ The top bar will now grow taller as necessary to prevent items from being hidden.
+ Added a "Low Quality" mode, controlled by a new icon in the top bar. Enabling Low Quality mode improves frame rates when viewing over a slow network connection (e.g. the internet). The effect of the "Low Quality" mode is configurable in the options, "Video Streaming" category.
* Clip playback seeking is now enabled for everyone, regardless of their previous setting. It may be disabled again if desired in the options window, "UI Behavior" category.
Please check out the current hotkeys and if you have any suggestions for new hotkeys, please share!