Made a test rig from materials already at hand, to get a 5442 to a height of 8 feet 6 inches. Test rig has the vertical 2x4 at one side so the camera can be placed right up to the wall where a permanent install might be. Ran a bright color patch cable from soffit junction box to camera, casually zip tied it to gutter elbow, and let it loosely hang behind the down spout as a cable visibility test.
Camera has a nice view. Given my view distances, could go higher. Next step is to put that 2X on the ol' wood stretcher and increase the length by 2-3 feet, and see how the view looks. Alternatively, might assemble a second test rig, connect it with a long cable and do a side-by-side comparison. Time to order another 5442 varifocal.
Phase one of camera rollout might be at soffit level using existing ethernet, with a fleet of 5442 varifocals. That’s a nice FOV range. This also dovetails with my goal of general overview, so Detect and Observe, more than Recognize and Identify.
Phase two might involve specialized cameras running off new cable runs. I can get new cable to garage ceiling and run inside on exterior wall or on ceiling, drop down where needed, and come to outside wall right where needed. Can get new cable to several other locations.
Looking forward to a 2023 updated list of best-of-breed cameras, though I note that the list has been stable for quite some time.
Thank you all for great input, which has been very helpful.