Mike A.
Known around here
- May 6, 2017
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Honestly, I'm starting to side with these guys. I mean, why not? If they can make a buck off of it and no one cares, I feel like they might be smarter than I am wasting my time calling the police
Know how you feel. Why am I even bothering to try to do the right thing?
I had a local woman here running a huge online Ponzi scheme. I mean like $10s of millions. Obvious fraud and operating in full view. Everything needed to shut her ass down was readily available to anyone who took maybe an hour to look. Finally got one detective in the relatively huge police department here to respond. He basically said "We have no clue what to do with something like that." lol She continued to run her scam for another year and a half before the Feds finally shut it down. Still not sure much of anything ever happened to her as a result.