I have been using tailscale for a long time. But it isn't necessary at home as the log in is direct. I have a samsung tablet that doesn't have cell capabilities, wifi only. Not using a VM. Totally baffled on this one. Been at it for many hours in many different ways, including BI support. Ken said he would check my configuration, waiting for him to get back. It seems odd that it would work so long then just quit.
Exactly the same, for months, Pixel 7 pro, a few days diminishing, then nothing. Guess this means I went bald for nothingI began experiencing this same behavior over the past few days. First couple of days, push notifications were intermittent, and now I haven't received one for at least 2 days. I have an android phone also (pixel 7). I wonder if this is an android-only issue. Is anyone experiencing this issue on an iphone?
Prior to this past week, I had been receiving notifications for years without issue.
I contacted support/Ken a few days ago when it first started at intermittent. Still waiting for response to my last response to him a couple days ago. I now believe he must be getting a lot of inquiries, maybe "overwhelmed?". He originally wanted to check my settings but it is now obvious that is not the problem. It's kind of becoming an epidemic. Setup email notifications that work fine but prefer the simple, in my case, ding dong (doorbell). It worked great for so long.My BI push notifications to Android Pixel devices were intermittent for a few days, then on 9/3 they all stopped. Looked into everything that could go wrong and everything looks good. BI response shows that alert was sent to all devices. How frustrating! I do not even have Bitdefender installed on the server. Was running a BI version from 2022 when this happened, then updated to w/o any success. Deleted BI app and reinstalled, also deleted mobile devices and reinstalled on phone w/o any success. Before now, BI Push has been working reliable for the last 6+ years. SMS (MMS) alerts with pic through gmail are still reliable.
I sent a message to Ken and waiting for response. I urge others to notify Ken also. Anyone hear a response yet?
I'm having the same issues. Pixel 7 pro and pixel 6a. Notifications became intermittent and now it no longer works. Alert counter is going up and logs show alert sent but none is received
As we all know though the app has had very little development and Google is depreciating firebase API key auth in favour for json.
This was announced some time ago and I believe we may now be getting hit with it. Without an update either to the 'server' or to the app we'll no longer receive notifications
In case this isn't fixed quickly, I'm exploring the mechanism of using MQTT to trigger a push notification using something like this app:What's the best alternative for push notifications now moving forward?
Thanks. Doesn't seem to help, unfortunately.Hum, BI version was just released, wonder if it fixed any of this?
For anyone interested: Ken from Blue Iris has replied to me. He is very aware of the issue and is working on a solution (the essential understanding of the reply). Thanks to Ken for excellent customer service.Patience is a virtue they say.