IP Cam Talk Custom Community DeepStack Model

I just posted a new version of general V3.1 in the first post
I just posted a new version of general V3.1 in the first post
Can you post a picture of your AI alert confirmation tab. The new general has a capital "G" in the mymodel folder. Should it be a capital in the AI tab?
Thank you @MikeLud1 for your hard work.

Just for clarification: if using the new General 3.1 model, the words Car, Bus, Truck, Bycicle are no longer usable in the confirm section. BlueIris will not trigger any alert. I ask this question, as I have to change all the 16 cameras I have to use vehicle word in all profiles. I'm a bit reluctant, as I would need to roll back, if anything happens.
Thank you.
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If I use general and still want to identify cats, would the dark models built in suffice, or should I also download the animals model?
@MikeLud1 so for now, we should use general 3.1 for people and vehicles, plus animals 2.0 for additional animal detection?
I thinks the new general V3.1 is working extremely well, it was able to identify the UPS truck as a vehicle at 41% accuracy (see left side of image). I do see sometimes false positives but is is rare.
Please let me know if you are seeing similar results

I think general v3.1 is working great for me. It has grabbed some catches that I had to look twice at. It caught a vehicle it said. I looked at the screen shot thinking it was mistaken. But on second look, it caught my neighbor backing out of their driveway between the "V" of two branches of a tree. I have never seen it Id anything that far away through the slit of a tree. I normally mask off my neighbors' driveway (I am only concerned about what is going past my house on the road) but did not think that was needed for that camera. Although it does seem to grab a couple of trees as a person. I would rather side on a slightly more mistaken id, than a complete miss. I know how to deal with those rare miss-ID objects with masking.

Basically, the general v3.1 is great for my cameras that I record that day to day traffic of people and vehicles that are driving around/past my property. If I want a more focused Id's on what is pulling into my driveway, I am still deciding on what model(s) to use. I have Blue Iris for example, not alert me to a person detected in my drive when it's a child riding their bike up in my driveway (person+bicycle to cancel the alert). Now I am sure if someone now wants to rob my house they can use a bicycle during the day to get past my notifications but they would still be recorded though. It is just a lot less notification to distract me.

Anyway, again well-done gentlemen for your hard work and time making these models for us. I thank you!
@MikeLud1 is it possible to train the model to think this door mat is not a vehicle? The default model also thinks the door mat is bicycle.

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