Is BI GPU enabled?

I know Hardware Acceleration is a sore subject but just wanted to add in another viewpoint. I have a server running ESXi Vmware and I would like Nvidia Hardware Acceleration so that I could pass through a video card to use on a VM with BlueIris. I've heard it mentioned before best practice is to have a dedicated machine for DVRs but running a server and another machine would draw only more power and cost more money.
You can like it but it doesn't exist for Bi.. it's very likely depending on your server that you would actually draw more power running bi on it then on a dedicated machine....
can see the appeal, making use of what hardware you already have? :)
yes and you can wish for a fairy tend to your every point is it does not if you want it email support and ask for it...wishing for it here is pointless.
'tis merely a discussion :lmao:
yes, and its been discussed to death....point is folks love wishing and bitching but dont have time to email support and actually ask...he provided an answer a while ago...hmmmm...why not make a new inquiry?
Also most of the time adding a card to an inefficient system will actually cost you more than replacing making use of what you have can be a poor choice.