I'm in the process of looking for a better video doorbell for my house. I currently use a Google nest, but lately it's had lots of problems. Mainly that when someone rings the bell and I open the app, the video freezes and I can't talk to them or hear them. I thought the nest was just not working, but some research has lead me to learn that it's a common issue for nest and ring.
What I want to know is if this an issue I will encounter with other brands as well. I am thinking of a reolink or dahua doorbell system. Reolink seems to have good reviews and video quality. And dahua as I already use a dahua Poe camera system. However I despise the dmss app, and not sure I'd want that for my doorbell as well.
I attached a screenshot of the explanation I found regarding the nest. So I just want a little clarity regarding the problem, and if I'll run into similiar issues with reolink. And although I use a POE system for my dahua cameras, I would use a wifi reolink, as I don't have POE running to the door right now.
I'm in the process of looking for a better video doorbell for my house. I currently use a Google nest, but lately it's had lots of problems. Mainly that when someone rings the bell and I open the app, the video freezes and I can't talk to them or hear them. I thought the nest was just not working, but some research has lead me to learn that it's a common issue for nest and ring.
What I want to know is if this an issue I will encounter with other brands as well. I am thinking of a reolink or dahua doorbell system. Reolink seems to have good reviews and video quality. And dahua as I already use a dahua Poe camera system. However I despise the dmss app, and not sure I'd want that for my doorbell as well.
I attached a screenshot of the explanation I found regarding the nest. So I just want a little clarity regarding the problem, and if I'll run into similiar issues with reolink. And although I use a POE system for my dahua cameras, I would use a wifi reolink, as I don't have POE running to the door right now.