@patrocle Not SCREENshots of the camera interface bro...SNAPshots of your back yard that your LBW90S500 produces 

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That's what I understood too...and English is not my first language.@patrocle Not SCREENshots of the camera interface bro...SNAPshots of your back yard that your LBW90S500 produces View attachment 13103
I looked at a Hikvision camera recently that said it weighed 550kg and was a dome camera when the picture was of a bullet camera. I notified the seller and he corrected it.I hope it's not a did you get what you pay for price. The seller of mistakenly lists the camera as 8 mm. It is not an 8 mm camera. It is a 3.6 mm camera which is stated correctly further down in the listing.
Hmm i understood screens of the internal settings too, and yes English is my second language! Like the other user said :culpability:@patrocle Not SCREENshots of the camera interface bro...SNAPshots of your back yard that your LBW90S500 produces View attachment 13103
Try playing with your WDR setting to show/lighten the backyard out to the fence better.
I run 10FPS with a 8192 bitrate. Try changing your bitrate to 8192, or at least 6144 or 4096.
The complete Longse / Herospeed LBW90S500 firmware interface settings tree is shown in this topic...
"WDR setting" is that all the settings under "image settings" ?h:
Yes, TP-LINK TL-SG1008PEIs that camera on a POE switch?
I had it on port 8,then 7 and now i moved it to 4.If yes, try changing the camera to a different switch POE port.
I did not do my own cable, i purchased it complete made from ebay or amazon. But i am thinking about getting a new cable for this Longse and re-install.Are you are to swap out the cable? Did you do your own RJ45 connector crimps?
Yes this was at night, but will monitor the cam again for day time and night to see "when...is going down"Does the camera go down during daylight...or only at night?
Ok will check this in few minutes.On a side note, make certain that your BI > Camera > Video > Configure > Receive Buffer is set to 20mb.
It was at 3mb, changed to 20.On a side note, make certain that your BI > Camera > Video > Configure > Receive Buffer is set to 20mb.
...What type of cable you using? complete purchased? or purchased cable,connector,etc separate?...