Longse LBW60S400 @ $34.80 Any Good?

painful? not at all.. I could upgrade all of it today if I wanted, but if its not broken.. my phone still makes calls and my desktop still operates on the internet just as fine as they did they day I bought em.. mebe its because I am not a windows user but I havent reloaded this machine since I built it and its still running great.. it does not have the built in slow to a grinding halt feature after a year that windows uses to encourage new purchases.

tools only need replaced when they break, and if you dont buy cheap Chinese junk.. they rarely break on you before you got a usefull life out of them :P

I suspect you got no concept about pain and suffering, must be nice.
Btw, I am also on the look out for something new and cool with more pixels to try out, so far I found nothing exciting. Unfortunately, updates in IP cam technology are much slower then something like smartphones.

This is one interesting option. IMX178 + VF what appears should be around $100+:

Hmm that looks like my camera that went down after 1.5 year of use...Now i have a sec. cam same brand with ir led on at night and no ip finding or to work in day time.
See this
Same body.
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Was this price in an e-mail message, or is it available online anywhere?
If the camera looks good and performs well enough, I'll take the hit for the team. ;)
my phone still makes calls
You must be one of the few users who still makes calls... Majority of users use data/apps (skype, whatsapp, viber...) and your 4 year old phone is not going to operate apps smoothly as the modern smartphone, unless you use dumb phone then sure you can go with it for as long as the keys are not falling out. I know couple people who refuse to upgrade to smartphone for whatever beliefs they have about those evil smartphones.

tools only need replaced when they break,
Maybe a hammer that you use to bang on your 8 year old pc when it takes an hour to complie code, but in technology world things get outdated quickly, companies stop providing patches, the hardware becomes slow, besides I always welcome new improvements. I do have 10 year pc laying around which cost pretty penny back then, but do I use it? No, I don't want to torcher myself. It's not worth anything to sell and not even going to bother to upgrade it.

and if you dont buy cheap Chinese junk..
As opposed to expensive Chinese junk? 90% of items in your household is from China, just turn it over and see the label "Made in..."

they rarely break on you before you got a usefull life out of them :P
That maybe true with the hammer you use, but technology breaks more often then you think and not just hardware, but software, so if the company stopped providing updates you are out of luck. As a matter of fact my other PC was 2 years old when company ('MSI') refused to provided updated drivers, so while the pc works in Windows 10, I can't get video drivers to function because they are custom built and this is just one example.

I suspect you got no concept about pain and suffering, must be nice.
I suspect you know it all and you are about to share with us.
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Hmm that looks lk emy camera that went down after 1.5 of use...Now i have a sec. cam same brand with ir led on at night and no ip finding or to work in day time.
See this
Same body.
Could be the same and may even use the same firmware. I think there was a discussion on Enster cams before. Personally I prefer Longse to come out with VF and IMX178 because I like their firmware more.
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WTF is going on? Put your willies and rulers away and help OP.


That camera is fine for $34. The problem is, bank/paypal fee, freight and the fact that you can never send it back economically. So you are really paying maybe $50 or $60 for it? OK that's still a good price, the 4MP image is perfectly fine. But why not just get a Dahua or Hikvision xxx5 for that price from China?

Decent 2MP is better than crap 5MP - I would get the Besafe 2MP if you want to play with something. Recommended by @Q2U and IMX322 recommended by me and now others.
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WTF is going on? Put your willies and rulers away and help OP.


That camera is fine for $34. The problem is, bank/paypal fee, freight and the fact that you can never send it back economically. So you are really paying maybe $50 or $60 for it? OK that's still a good price, the 4MP image is perfectly fine. But why not just get a Dahua or Hikvision xxx5 for that price from China?
For $34 it is fine, but if the final price is $60 then yeah I would go with Hikvision/Dahua 4MP, same crappy night image, but at least better firmware.

Decent 2MP is better than crap 5MP - I would get the Besafe 2MP if you want to play with something. Recommended by @Q2U and IMX322 recommended by me and now others.

Exactly, I would take 2MP Besafe over 5MP Hikvision crap, but 5MP Longse is whole another league.
For $34 it is fine, but if the final price is $60 then yeah I would go with Hikvision/Dahua 4MP, same crappy night image, but at least better firmware.

Exactly, I would take 2MP Besafe over 5MP Hikvision crap, but 5MP Longse is whole another league.

OMG, two right answers in one day... I think I should take the rest of the night off.
...I would get the Besafe 2MP if you want to play with something. Recommended by @Q2U and IMX322 recommended by me and now others.

The "BeSafe camera that @Del Boy is referring to uses the IMX323 sensor...not the IMX322 which the seller of the BeSafe BS-BH24S200-POE MISIDENTIFIED as the IMX322. In addition "BeSafe" is the name of the company which rebrands inexpensive Longse cameras. Therefore, If you want something cheap to play with, I would recommend the Longse LBQ24S200 bullet which is also marketed as the BeSafe BS-BH24S200-POE. Get the 2MP LBQ24S200 equivalent...

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You must be one of the few users who still makes calls... Majority of users use data/apps (skype, whatsapp, viber...) and your 4 year old phone is not going to operate apps smoothly as the modern smartphone, unless you use dumb phone then sure you can go with it for as long as the keys are not falling out. I know couple people who refuse to upgrade to smartphone for whatever beliefs they have about those evil smartphones.

Well it is a phone after all, and its a rooted android HTC.. It runs everything I require for my job, takes pics, and plays my audio books just fine.. I have no social media needs at all.. but I do have to sit in meetings all the damn time and they will be voice w/a WebEx app running parallel either on the phone or my desktop.. I am required to be able to accept alerts via SMS 24/7/365, so no watching any lolcats on youtube if its going to drain my battery and leave me w/out the capability to get notified of a major network outage.. I'd rather replace my 4 28in monitors with 4k resolution ones than replace my desktop right now.

Maybe a hammer that you use to bang on your 8 year old pc when it takes an hour to complie code, but in technology world things get outdated quickly, companies stop providing patches, the hardware becomes slow, besides I always welcome new improvements. I do have 10 year pc laying around which cost pretty penny back then, but do I use it? No, I don't want to torcher myself. It's not worth anything to sell and not even going to bother to upgrade it.

I didnt build a POS computer 8 years ago, I built a top of the line one that already had usb3 and a 32gb memory limit, and is severely overclocked.. a newer computer would not compile code any faster, just do it the same speed with less power consumption.. and besides, I have datacenters full of machines spread across the globe to compile code on.

As opposed to expensive Chinese junk? 90% of items in your household is from China, just turn it over and see the label "Made in..."

That maybe true with the hammer you use, but technology breaks more often then you think and not just hardware, but software, so if the company stopped providing updates you are out of luck. As a matter of fact my other PC was 2 years old when company ('MSI') refused to provided updated drivers, so while the pc works in Windows 10, I can't get video drivers to function because they are custom built and this is just one example.

There is a difference between products designed by Westerners and made in china, vs products designed in China trying to copy Western companies... and its a pretty big ass difference..

I dont run windows, all my devices are supported and work regardless of manufacturer drivers.. they are all built into the kernel of my operating system, and I run an OS thats a good 3-4 years behind the latest developments because its stable and the only updates are security related, no major changes until I want em.. I work from home, and my wife works from home too; we require our electronics to work every day without fail or we cant do our jobs.. dont have any time to tinker w/shit, our work loads are pretty high.. I spend all day, every day fixing shit.. last thing I'd like to do is have to fix my own shit in my downtime.

I suspect you know it all and you are about to share with us.

Thats only something life can teach you; you'll get there im sure.. nobody lives forever and if you think not using the newest electronics are pain and suffering; well then your in for some miserable years ahead as life shows you what real pain and suffering entails.. just wait til you see your son stop breathing, or your mother tells you she has stage4 terminal cancer.. your 2 generation old phone wont mean shit then.
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Was this price in an e-mail message, or is it available online anywhere?
If the camera looks good and performs well enough, I'll take the hit for the team. ;)
It is a special promotion directly from Longse. Amanda from Longse give it to me.
See attached all the flyers with their prices.

Link to download all:



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Could be the same and may even use the same firmware. I think there was a discussion on Enster cams before. Personally I prefer Longse to come out with VF and IMX178 because I like their firmware more.
Yes could be.
Order the LBW90S500 from longse, and wanted to get one more but cheaper to compare, but the decision is hard to do as is like i don't want to pay a lot or i don't want a really crappy camera, but at the end maybe is worth to spend little more.
Well it is a phone after all, and its a rooted android HTC.. It runs everything I require for my job, takes pics, and plays my audio books just fine.. I have no social media needs at all.. but I do have to sit in meetings all the damn time and they will be voice w/a WebEx app running parallel either on the phone or my desktop.. I am required to be able to accept alerts via SMS 24/7/365, so no watching any lolcats on youtube if its going to drain my battery and leave me w/out the capability to get notified of a major network outage.

I didnt build a POS computer 8 years ago, I built a top of the line one that already had usb3 and a 32gb memory limit, and is severely overclocked.. a newer computer would not compile code any faster, just do it the same speed with less power consumption.. and besides, I have datacenters full of machines spread across the globe to compile code on.

There is a difference between products designed by Westerners and made in china, vs products designed in China trying to copy Western companies... and its a pretty big ass difference..

I dont run windows, all my devices are supported and work regardless of manufacturer drivers.. they are all built into the kernel of my operating system, and I run an OS thats a good 3-4 years behind the latest developments because its stable and the only updates are security related, no major changes until I want em.. I work from home, and my wife works from home too; we require our electronics to work every day without fail or we cant do our jobs.. dont have any time to tinker w/shit, our work loads are pretty high.. I spend all day, every day fixing shit.. last thing I'd like to do is have to fix my own shit in my downtime.

Thats only something life can teach you; you'll get there im sure.. nobody lives forever and if you think not using the newest electronics are pain and suffering; well then your in for some miserable years ahead as your body shows you what pain and suffering really is.

Thank you for providing us with such valuable information, the fact that you achieved building a pc with USB 3.0 8 years ago is just plain amazing when it was actually first available less then 7 years ago. So I guess it's great for watching those lolcats videos since you can't do it on your phone.
For FuQs sake will you guys please stop the bickering?
For FuQs sake will you guys please stop the bickering?
Yeah, I should do better and just ignore his obnoxious replies in other words "I know better then anyone else"
Just stop now and everyone wins.
Only if I win an IP cam :)

Holy shit! You just happened to have the 29th PIA post made on August 30, 2016. As a result, you have won a Vivotek FD8136! Holy shit klasipca....what a fuQing coincidence! Congratulation bro! PM me your ship to address and I'll send it to you.

- - - Updated - - -

COD :)