Well it is a phone after all, and its a rooted android HTC.. It runs everything I require for my job, takes pics, and plays my audio books just fine.. I have no social media needs at all.. but I do have to sit in meetings all the damn time and they will be voice w/a WebEx app running parallel either on the phone or my desktop.. I am required to be able to accept alerts via SMS 24/7/365, so no watching any lolcats on youtube if its going to drain my battery and leave me w/out the capability to get notified of a major network outage.
I didnt build a POS computer 8 years ago, I built a top of the line one that already had usb3 and a 32gb memory limit, and is severely overclocked.. a newer computer would not compile code any faster, just do it the same speed with less power consumption.. and besides, I have datacenters full of machines spread across the globe to compile code on.
There is a difference between products designed by Westerners and made in china, vs products designed in China trying to copy Western companies... and its a pretty big ass difference..
I dont run windows, all my devices are supported and work regardless of manufacturer drivers.. they are all built into the kernel of my operating system, and I run an OS thats a good 3-4 years behind the latest developments because its stable and the only updates are security related, no major changes until I want em.. I work from home, and my wife works from home too; we require our electronics to work every day without fail or we cant do our jobs.. dont have any time to tinker w/shit, our work loads are pretty high.. I spend all day, every day fixing shit.. last thing I'd like to do is have to fix my own shit in my downtime.
Thats only something life can teach you; you'll get there im sure.. nobody lives forever and if you think not using the newest electronics are pain and suffering; well then your in for some miserable years ahead as your body shows you what pain and suffering really is.