Looks Like Internet Explorer Died Today


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
Cypress, California
This morning it was working fine to view my Hikvision NVR's. Then this afternoon I wanted to look at something and when I clicked to open IE it reverted me back to Windows Edge. I could not browse the NVRs using the IP addresses. So, come to find out Edge does have a section that will open in IE. You have to click on the three dots in the upper right hand corner of Edge and the menu drops down. Then find "Reload in Internet Explorer Mode" and click on that. Anyways I think I knew that at one time but forgot about it. So all is well now. :D
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Yes, officially on the 14th.

They've done something to IE on a Windows 7 computer that I keep around too. Still works but pops up Edge with a nag screen every time you open a tab. But that was a while back.
I posted this awhile back in this thread, but copying it for those that it hasn't rolled out to yet:

The key is to keep Win10 as long as possible, shut off Windows updates, and go into Task Scheduler and delete/disable any items Windows has added that will switch to Edge and remove Explorer.

They have now made it so you cannot uninstall Edge, but then they also snuck in some Task Schedulers that run constantly. Some on my computer are running every hour and some are once a day.

They are looking for Edge updates every 12 hours and I bet one day will just wipe Explorer off your computer.

I was wondering why Edge kept updating and kept opening up along when I would open Explorer.

So for those of us that lock down and disable Windows Updates, be sure to check your Task Scheduler for any updates they have hidden here.

Here where the ones that showed up in mine one day.


Then try to delete Edge (probably won't), but hopefully this will keep Explorer on your computer.
What happened today is a setting in Edge was applied or RE-applied) that forces edge open when IE is attempted to be used. Turn OFF (choose NEVER) in the circled item in Edge Settings:


NOTE: After you change that setting, CLOSE Edge, then open IE. It should work.
I read an MS announcement a couple of months ago that said IE would be removed from many Windows versions on February 15th with an update. Today loading IE, I got a message saying IE had been deleted and instructions on using Edge with IE mode.
I read an MS announcement a couple of months ago that said IE would be removed from many Windows versions on February 15th with an update. Today loading IE, I got a message saying IE had been deleted and instructions on using Edge with IE mode.
My computer rebooted overnight, so an update was applied. After seeing this thread, I tried IE-- it flashed, then loaded Edge with a nag screen. I changed that setting in edge (above) and closed it, and IE works as it did. When I checked my BI machine, I got the same thing. I did the same thing again, along with dumping some scheduled tasks (Thanks @wittaj ) and IE is working again there too.
My computer rebooted overnight, so an update was applied. After seeing this thread, I tried IE-- it flashed, then loaded Edge with a nag screen. I changed that setting in edge (above) and closed it, and IE works as it did. When I checked my BI machine, I got the same thing. I did the same thing again, along with dumping some scheduled tasks (Thanks @wittaj ) and IE is working again there too.
My Windows 10 Edge settings do not look like yours although they used to. This is the update I received that likely changed it:
My Windows 10 Edge settings do not look like yours although they used to. This is the update I received that likely changed it:
I don't know how that could be. In Edge, click the 3 dots in the upper right, then choose settings. Then choose "Default browser", and you are on the settings page I showed.

My windows version is mentioned in your post above...


My update history:
What happened today is a setting in Edge was applied or RE-applied) that forces edge open when IE is attempted to be used. Turn OFF (choose NEVER) in the circled item in Edge Settings:

View attachment 154732

NOTE: After you change that setting, CLOSE Edge, then open IE. It should work.

Here is what my Edge Default browser page looks like. Notice it does not have the line item you have highlighted. It used to be there.

edge default browser.JPG
Here is what my Edge Default browser page looks like. Notice it does not have the line item you have highlighted. It used to be there.

View attachment 154739
Mine was not doing that last night---- and this morning it is. Yikes.

It looks like they are using a Browser Helper Object (BHO) to hijack IE and run Edge. Pretty ironic, as IE was so susceptible to BHO attacks before, and that's the method they are choosing to hijack their own software. It appears the virus scammers taught them something.

OK--- I stopped that Edge takeover process by re-naming the BHO folder in the file string here. I just named mine "-old BHO" and that left IE alone for now.


Get rid of their browser hacker, and you will have IE back.

Awesome! Thanks, it may get changed back on another update but it works for now.
This is cool too---- run it in Windows 11....

I just made a desktop shortcut in Win11 for IE that works using the command line from this vid:
("C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" google.com -Embedding)