The Huisun module probably is a copied hikvision module for all we know lolTheu are promised the camera have motion detection, emailing, ftp upload. How much it cost, does'nt matter. How do you know, that there has not been copied Hikvision modules?
You can adjust the speed of the done
There is a slider in the web gui or if your feeling brave call present 95! And do it from the actual camera's osd
The pan and tilt buttons cycle up and down and right or focus is used for selecting/confirming
Preset 95 -menu was a very nice find. I'm actually surprised there is such menu. It worked nicely via ONVIF aswell (tried from web GUI first), the way our PTZ controls work, I was able to use arrow keys to navigate the menu. How ever, there was no PTZ speed control. I believe this camera is not meant to move any faster, and as it's probably not meant for active surveillance, it doesnt have to move any faster.Try calling preset 95 and using the actual camera's osd that may help
But I haven't tried it so I'm not sure if it will or won't
It should be in the message history. If you want to get her attention, place an order but do not pay for it![]()
Preset 95 -menu was a very nice find. I'm actually surprised there is such menu. It worked nicely via ONVIF aswell (tried from web GUI first), the way our PTZ controls work, I was able to use arrow keys to navigate the menu. How ever, there was no PTZ speed control. I believe this camera is not meant to move any faster, and as it's probably not meant for active surveillance, it doesnt have to move any faster.
I have no ran it on patrol for an hour, and notice a small connection loss every 5 minutes or so. Camera does not lose power, but image stream freezes for some seconds.
Because of the popularity and good review on this thread, we decided to order one for testing as well. We were mainly concerned if the camera would work on our Ksenos VMS.
The camera finally arrived, package seemed to be used as a football, the cardboard box was now more of a ball shape. Rattling noise comes from the camera when handled, but I did not open it up to see whats loose. It does work, thats all I need from it now. From less than 1 hour of testing (will keep it up overnight to see how it acts during dark, with and without IR) I noticed the following:
- ONVIF works fine. I can add the camera as ONVIF camera, PTZ controls are supported via ONVIF as well.
- Pan and Tilt speeds are slow, Zoom seems to be a little bit faster. Presets also work, but naming them is not possible over ONVIF.
- Image quality is good but the angle seems to be only 45 degrees wide. Auto-focus does its job fine.
- Camera seems to be holding 25 fps @ 1920x1080 without any fps drops, some cheaper cameras cannot do this.
I will probably run some tests on patrols to see how well the motors hold up, but getting results might take some time.
Any news about this mini ptz cam working with BI?
Having a communication issue with Monica that's making me nervous.
I think I am going to back off & wait a while to see how things go.
I hope everyone has better luck than me.
So what are you really asking her? She doesn't communicate well but I didn't really have any out of the ordinary issues with her communication.I may have worded that wrong, she is communicating, I'm just not liking what she is saying.
I consider Ae a risky proposition based on what I have read here. I can afford to lose the money but I chose to be as careful as possible.
I hope all your transactions go smoothly.
I may try again later depending on what I see here.