Mini-PTZ Give-Away Qontest

Millenials are a very different generation from those that have come before through no fault of their own. It is not as easy as "that's what every older generation has said". Because they are so challenging to manage, companies are training managers on how to deal with them. This video featuring Simon Sinek was used by a company I worked for. I think it helped me to better understand millenials. They are after all the future, like it or not.

I know we are off topic, but you might enjoy it.
I have never in my life seen or heard of so many whiney, wimpy, pussified young people, male and female alike...and I'm not talking about 6 to 10 year olds...these are 16 to 25 year olds!

I've interviewed, hired and worked with young people in the 1970's, '80's, '90's and 2000's from both coasts of varied backgrounds and ethnicity......4 decades of getting first-hand exposure to their attitudes, work ethic, likes and dislikes

Me, I've interviewed, hired & managed hundreds of people for 30+ yrs. Early, some were my age or older. Later, often younger. Most recently, much younger. And yes, "from both coasts of varied backgrounds and ethnicity".

I've often been complimented as the "best manager they ever had", and I'm still good friends with many of my early hires. More recent hires, especially millennials, that's not the case. After decades of being a successful manager, why the 2010's different? I was stumped.

Millenials are a very different generation from those that have come before through no fault of their own. It is not as easy as "that's what every older generation has said". Because they are so challenging to manage, companies are training managers on how to deal with them.

The video link above, imho, hits the nail on the head. My wife & I raised a millennial. I managed millennials in my engineering dept. The video strikes many chords:
"They think they're SPECIAL, since they heard that their whole life"
"They get trophies, simply for PARTICIPATING, in contrast to doing a great job or winning"
"They had helicopter parents, who shielded them from all the harsh realities of the 'real world', so they left the nest unprepared for the 'Real World', but with a feeling of entitlement "
" 'Social Media' wasn't in our generation, so this is a completely new phenomenon. "

Quick aside: When I held meetings, often with 5 to 20 ppl present, I'd ask for the attention of the attendees. I asked for no open laptops or cell phones, and to instead be 'present' and engaged in the meeting. Millennials were incredulous!
- "I can multitask"
- "I'm listening"
- while they're texting, doing FB, etc, during a meeting.
- they were not embarrassed when I asked a question in the meeting, and previous info had to be repeated for the self-professed 'multitaskers' " .
- as the video explains, "if you're sitting in a meeting, with your cellphone facing up on the table, it says the attendees are less important than my cellphone",

The above is through my lens, colored by my life experiences. Both at work, at home, raising a millennial. As one of six kids, my parents couldn't afford the 'Helicopter" thang, time wise! They rarely came to my Little League games, lol....

As some said, for centuries older generations were critical of younger generations. Timeless.
What's different now? Internet, Social media, smart phones, etc. The big difference? Millenials have arguably been raised in a different social environment. But they WILL grow up and RUN things.

Predicting the future is tricky. Given my above grousing and whining, I think we'll do okay. Mankind seem to thrive....
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I work for a small ( less than 76 people) software engineering firm for 40 years up until i retired 3 years ago. It is harder to find qualified young people willing to really work today. Luck I was able to hire and fire at will, Texas is a right to work state. You give them a do date for a software module and it is not ready on time, did they work nights, saturday and sunday to get it done, no, all you get is excuses.

The only ones that will work are the young people from China and India. They understand that this is a paradise. Work hard and you can go as far as you want.
Hmmm. And our generation...or the generation which came before us...or those who came before them have done such a good job with that which we've been given dominion over? We can't take care of our sick. We can't seem help our poor. We discriminate against each other based upon the color of our skin and/or our economic status. We've killed hundreds of millions of our neighbors. We're poisoning our planetary home, a fact which many of us can't even agree is actually transpiring. Christians murdering Christians...Muslims murdering Muslims...both killing children in the name of the same God. So as I see it these calls for a return to the good old days seem to imply that our institutions...that we...were past bastions of morality in some bygone era when people had more "character;" do we really have affirmative evidence of that? Maybe neither the old days nor the current days are so wonderful in terms of protecting the vulnerable from the aggressive...and the old days apparently gave rise to the current ones, so I'm not sure why we should see the old days as not complicit that which is ailing us now. What will get us to situations in which there are no damaged people to damage more people and in which bystanders are no longer so concerned about their group membership but instead about the well being of our neighbors? I don't think it's a character issue, I think it's a failure to move beyond putting our fears and desires first, and to do that I think first we need to understand that there actually is a viable way to live that way. I suspect most of us don't know what that looks like and how to live that way -- that we have lost track of the fact that we have in ourselves another gear we can shift into. I would like to see us move forward to something more helpful, not backwards to a flawed model that got us to where we presently find ourselves. FuQ it. Let the Millennials have a go at it...I can't see how they can fuQ it up much more than we've already fuQed it up.
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Millenials are a very different generation from those that have come before through no fault of their own. It is not as easy as "that's what every older generation has said". Because they are so challenging to manage, companies are training managers on how to deal with them. This video featuring Simon Sinek was used by a company I worked for. I think it helped me to better understand millenials. They are after all the future, like it or not.

I know we are off topic, but you might enjoy it.

My kids went to work when they were 16 they learn that life is pulling the wagon thru the mud. They also got full, room board tuition scholarships. For 4 year. Both my daughter and son run separate independent business now.

If an employee tried that multi tasking crap Ina meeting. I would ask a question on information given. If a person could not answer the question, strike one. Three strikes you are out of there.

In the company I worked for 30-50% of your gross income came for productivity bonus, company profits. If an employee was lazy or made a major screw up, it took money out of every one's pocket.

Missed one group of people I like to hire, vets, I would give a vet a shot , they know how to work.
Hmmm. And our generation...or the generation which came before us...or those who came before them have done such a good job with that which we've been given dominion over? We can't take care of our sick. We can't seem help our poor. We discriminate against each other based upon the color of our skin and/or our economic status. We've killed hundreds of millions of our neighbors. We're poisoning our planetary home, a fact which many of us can't even agree is actually transpiring. Christians murdering Christians...Muslims murdering Muslims...both killing children in the name of the same God. So as I see it these calls for a return to the good old days seem to imply that our institutions...that we...were past bastions of morality in some bygone era when people had more "character;" do we really have affirmative evidence of that? Maybe neither the old days nor the current days are so wonderful in terms of protecting the vulnerable from the aggressive...and the old days apparently gave rise to the current ones, so I'm not sure why we should see the old days as not complicit that which is ailing us now. What will get us to situations in which there are no damaged people to damage more people and in which bystanders are no longer so concerned about their group membership but instead about the well being of our neighbors? I don't think it's a character issue, I think it's a failure to move beyond putting our fears and desires first, and to do that I think first we need to understand that there actually is a viable way to live that way. I suspect most of us don't know what that looks like and how to live that way -- that we have lost track of the fact that we have in ourselves another gear we can shift into. I would like to see us move forward to something more helpful, not backwards to a flawed model that got us to where we presently find ourselves. FuQ it. Let the Millennials have a go at it...I can't see how they can fuQ it up much more than we've already fuQed it up.
Dang, I was just talking about whiners, complainers and the sense of entitlement. :cool:
I want a lolly :p

and I want it now :p

Pretty please :p

/me hides again :D
Still waiting for @tangent to pick a winner...

  1. @TonyR: I hope that sometime in 2020 @fenderman will finally let go, not hold back any more and tell us all what he really thinks.
  2. @Mike A.: I hope I win the junk awesome cam!
  3. @pinko: I hope everyone reads the Quontest Disclaimer, thats the real winner.
  4. @ThomasPI : Hope to get 18 cameras up and running on our new house build with a LOT more reading and questions !
  5. @JNDATHP: I want our oldest granddaughter to finish college. She has one year under her belt but opted out for a semester because she didn’t have enough money and she didn’t tell anyone. She would be the first in her family to graduate and we’ve committed to making sure the financial stress is removed.
  6. IAmATeaf: My hopes are simple and maybe regarded a bit selfish but I hope I’m still alive and have a job else it will have a big negative impact on my family. Oh and I hope Duhua release a new and improved firmware soon with SmartIR properly working for the new 4Mp low light cams as I’m itching to buy a few, assuming I’m still alive and have a job that is
  7. @crw030: My hope for the coming year (Aug-2019 thru Aug-2020) is to ereQt several additional cameras (including this Qontest camera which we all know will be pointed in the wrong direction when something happens), catch some bad people doing very stupid things on the fixed cameras, and reach 10 (TEN) posts that @fenderman doesn't make me look like an idiot.
  8. @gordo: My hope is Q runs for, and is elected President of the USA in 2020.
  9. @00Buck: I hope I can finish reading the Qontest disclaimer before the year is over. I am sure in the upcoming year I will need just one more camera!
  10. @archedraft: This year I hope to find out how many security cameras it takes before my wife finally looses it...Haha, hopefully not, but for real this year, I am excited to introduce my daughter to the world and hoping to still get the same amount of sleep!
  11. @Rakin: Hope for my child to have a good year. Oh and a free ptz
  12. @nbstl68: My hope for the coming year is that my 20 yr old kitty stays strong and lives long enough for me to install my dahua cams and catch him doing something cute and memorable in the yard. With a mini ptz I could track and zoom him.
  13. @vandyman: I hope I do not see anymore Big Bertha videos for the rest of the year. . The one here on IPCamTalk made me part blind.
  14. @Dramus: My hopes for the coming year... Hmmm... Continued reasonably good health for the love of my life, our furkids and me and no major disasters with home or cars. A couple more cams for the surveillance system would be nice, and maybe add an automation controller. Oh yeah: And finally complete The Man Cave Project
  15. @XYZed : That my cameras never have to capture any suspicious activity from the two-legged creatures. Four or more legs and wings are fine by me, because that's entertainment. Cats are more than suspicious on their own. I don't need to throw the human kind into the mix. Oh and...whirled peas.
  16. @tech101: I hope in 2020 Even better processors :D 10 NM will be a dream but at-least one can Hope so LOL. I would love to build a new RIG 2020 for Blue iris. And Also add some Ultra Series cams 4k :D Getting one soon But wanna get more :D Another thing in 2020 Run some cams to the Mailbox post
  17. @Tinman: Ok, I will help you out. My goal is to buy less cams and win more cams, so I can buy more guns & ammo
  18. @catcamstar: I hope to be the 25th participant so you can send your precious cam to one of the other contestants :p. On a serious note: I hope that many people continue to (objectively) help others on this forum (and others): caring is sharing!
  19. @VorlonFrog: My most fervent wish for the remainder of 2019 and all of 2020 is for a stable, reliable, feature-rich, functional doorbell camera with POE capability and full-duplex audio.
  20. @looney2ns: Less road rage from the impatient ones. Young snowflakes become harder to melt. Snowflakes get less susceptible to trigger words. Fewer safe spaces are needed. Fewer emotional support animals, you know, cows, pigs, goats, chickens, lamas, sheep, ducks, show up on airlines and in restaurants than in the past. People actually start getting drivers training before getting their grubby mitts on keys to a behemoth Ford F250 with Dualies. That my 11 grandkids don't grow up to be snowflakes or need safe spaces. Young kids will start to go outdoors and get familiar with that big red ball in the sky, that is such a mystery. Helicopter parents, will do less hoovering and more mentoring their kids.
I think we've all lost enough sleep waiting for @tangent to come out of his ayahuasca induced hallucinations and pick a fuQin' I declare the Qontest null and void. Har! Just kidding fellas!

I declare @ThomasPI the Qontest winner. PM me your shipping address brother and I'll get you camera out asap, but probably not as fast as Andy ships his cameras!

I had to look that up. Dont recall we had that n the 70's :D
Let's see.....where did I put that Iron Butterfly album ?
Ah, here it is......right next to Cream's "Disraeli Gears".
I think we've all lost enough sleep waiting for @tangent to come out of his ayahuasca induced hallucinations and pick a fuQin' I declare the Qontest null and void. Har! Just kidding fellas!

I declare @ThomasPI the Qontest winner. PM me your shipping address brother and I'll get you camera out asap, but probably not as fast as Andy ships his cameras!

Thank you @Q ! It's funny, I actually entered this giveaway with the thoughts of "giving back" as it were. I joined this great forum in May of 2017 and knew nothing what so ever, I still have MANY miles to go, I know enough now to be dangerous LOL. I've reached out in the past for assistance from a couple of members with some general questions but there is one member in particular who is truly selfless. He has engaged in countless PM's to help me and also a phone call to provide me with information on setting up my system. Per my entry, we are planning a 16 plus camera system in our new house and we should be breaking ground within very short order. He is truly a God send to me and I would like to show my appreciation. God knows there will be countless more requests for assistance LOL, perhaps he will help! He did enter this "Giveaway" and I would respectfully request that you send the camera to @looney2ns.

Thanks to you and all of the others here who make this board a tremendous resource !
I think that may have been the first album I ever bought......:headbang:

According to drummer Ron Bushy, organist-vocalist Doug Ingle wrote the song one evening while drinking an entire gallon of Red Mountain wine. When the inebriated Ingle then played the song for Bushy, who wrote down the lyrics for him, he was slurring his words so badly that what was supposed to be "in the Garden of Eden" was interpreted by Bushy as "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida".
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