Mini-Review EmpireTech IPC-Color4M-T

So @wittaj and @steve1225 on the 3449 TIOC Pro

Do you think its an upgrade from the current 5542 S3 series for night color?

Any idea on whether the bullet is any better or worse than the Turret other than the obvious extra lights?

I have a scene where having it in IR but auto-switching on the lights and going to color would be helpful at an entrance door about 12-15ft

Personally I think it is on par with the 5442-S3 series and more versatile. The option to have infrared or the white light is a big plus. So is the speaker. The red/blue light I can do without, and fortunately you can disable it.

If you can put the bullet up, I think the 4 lights compared to 2 would be a big plus.
Yeah think so. Been wanting to test one.
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yeahbut I’ve learned to wait 6-12 months on new technology. That means it’ll be next year this time before I buy
So @wittaj and @steve1225 on the 3449 TIOC Pro

Do you think its an upgrade from the current 5542 S3 series for night color?
I'd be asking the same question if the 3449 had animal detection, but since not, it's moot for me. I'm fairly close to a river and need to know if any gators start showing up.
I doubt it would work well identifying them in the water though (most of the time). And thermal doesn't work as they're cold blooded.
Literally the only time I get a capture on them is when we happen to visually see them or the tour boats shouts "Gator"

I would be amazed if it could learn to ID gators

View attachment Home_ch11_20240908114127_20240908114150.mp4
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I think so the full color almost same as the full color of the 4MP 5 series. IR at night a little weaker than the 54 series. Can be a good camera for some place need siren/2 way audio and full color.
Just get a 2.8mm turret @bigredfish
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