MTD HACK made easy on Video

Awesome trick! Tonight I manage to update a CH 2cd2532f-iws from a raptor 5.20 which was not working well, to the latest firmware, but by steps, first 5.30, then 5.4 and 5.45.

Thank very much whoslooking for sharing your work, and thank to the forum!
As I keep getting loads of requests and PM's on how to do the MTD hack I thought i would video it being done.

It's a simple process of lowering the 02 to 01 and changing the date by one.

Yes your date maybe different.

yes your checksum maybe different,
Just make sure it's is the same value after you have edited, as it was before you edited it.

Keep a copy of your original files just in case.

NOTE: IF YOUR CAMERA WAS 5.25 OR 5.28 YOU CAN'T UPGRADE ANY FURTHER SO DON'T. (on your camera sticker).

any lower than 5.25 your can now upgrade with US/ML firmware.

don't forget the thanks button.
Hi just wondering if this would work on Ds-2de7172-a V5.3.0_150403 Date:06/2015. I'm not very computer literate, so hopefully I'm able to do this myself. I bought my ip camera from Hong Kong and only way I can view camera on network is via sadp Chinese version. When I hook my cam to nvr it says "language mismatch" stupid question but if I can seem to resolve this issue are there people I can hire to assist e.g IT, software guru etc?


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