nayr thanks for sharing all the details of your automation project! I just read through the whole thread so pardon my disjointed thoughts.
For a lot of people trying to do something similar, building off of a hardwired alarm system may be more practical than a network of beaglebones. They might even have one already, but wired >> wireless. There used to be some open hardware projects with more robust io but I think they've all gone belly up or abandonware. Most alarm systems (honeywell, dsc, ge, hai, elk, bosch, napco, etc) have serial interface automation modules that can be used with things like domoticz, there are also modules like the evl-4. Alarm panels development occurs at snails pace, but everything is very stable, including their unsecured keybus. The biggest problem with these is the choice to put all most all the R&D into wireless systems and corporate choices limit compatibility. An actual alarm system is also easier to sell with the house. I'm not sure I'd bother with using an alarm panel for any of the actual logic, even an elk.
I think I saw code somewhere to automatically make kodi picture in picture a camera feed on some type of trigger.
Reed switch is a nice trick for sensing a doorbell. ELK also has a doorbell/phone detecting module you can buy. The circuit's pretty simple, this can be nice if you just want to wire something up at the doorbell transformer without fishing wires.
It's possible to get a pretty good sense of what major appliances are running just from a ring on your meter or clamp on your mains without sensing each individual appliance. You can connect the dots and see what's running by tracking the changes, it's not perfect but actually works pretty well.
Chiseling a nail to remove an old box...

Don't do that. Just use one of these mini hacks to cut off the nails and the drywall:
Stanley 10 in. Mini Hack Saw-15-809 - The Home Depot
Any problems with attic temps and the bone?
How sensitive are those optex request to exit motions you used? Do rabbits and squirrels running around your house set them off?
I'd forgotten about domoticz, my HA is on a smaller scale and some of it runs on pics, splds, and pc software that isn't as popular these days. Lately OpenHab is been getting more press. Did you compare domoticz and openhab?
If you're out of town, using a mail hold / ups my choice / etc to hold packages isn't a bad idea. It beats video of somebody in a mask stealing you stuff. If their database gets hacked and somebody learns you're not home, you've got plenty of other security measures. Self monitoring while your traveling isn't a piece of cake.
Are you running your own hardware / relay board for your primary thermostat or something you can interface with? For something like a thermostat, there's something to be said about something that's had a lot more testing. But I've seen a few of those fail too.
Have you considered using one of the Dahua Villa intercom stations at your front door? you've already got ip phones.
IP Products
Seems interesting (could be higher res) documentation and reviews are of course non-existent.
For zwave switches I like:
You might want to sign up for crime alerts in your area: