lol thats just a small glimpse, these racks hold my entire AV/Home Theatre system, all my HAM Radio Gear, Personal FileServer, Personal WebServer, Home Automation System, Alarm System, Video Security System, Telephone System, etc.. it all terminates in one place.. its kinda a bit of chaos right now as I am completely restructuring everything, its about time since I've appended and retired so much stuff since the last time.
I used to pay alot of money to colocate my servers in other people's racks, now I have adequate enough bandwidth at home for my needs so I moved it all in-house.. no more trekking through a blizzard to reboot a hung server.. Both me and my wife work from home, I try to keep everything onsite as possible so alot of work is done on these boxes, and all our backups, etc. Also any self-respecting network engineer has to have a home lab to play with complicated setups and new technologies.. and seriously, Ive hiked a half mile through white-out conditions at 3am on foot because the private road to the datacenter was unpassable at the time.. ah the shit we do for uptimes.
I spend so much time around computers I value silence, If you've ever heard the inside of a datacenter you'd understand.. when I am at home I cant stand to hear anything running, so I had to build a room to store it all in and spend great efforts soundproofing it so I could sleep in peace and quiet

All my stuff is hidden and secured out of sight, the only thing in the living room is the TV and some discretely mounted speakers.. not a wire or piece of hardware to be seen.
All you see in that photo are the rear end of my 3 servers, top one is old retired media server.. unused currently, will be upgraded and replace one of the others likely.. the middle one is my webserver, its doing my alpr stuff and hosting all my websites and other junk.. the bottom one is my 24TB FreeNAS, its the heart of my network and home theatre system.
then 2 switched pdu's w/a meter, each with a 15A dedicated circuit feeding into a 30A APC UPS.
thats about 1/3rd of the gear, and some of the least interesting of it.. and ive trimed so much fat out, You should see the pile of computers I am hauling away to the recyclers, its going to fill my trailer up hah..