Need advise and direction for my IP cam system


Pulling my weight
Aug 16, 2015
Planet Earth
Hi, thanks for taking an interest on my request.
I want to install a 3 IP cam system as soon as I can for our home. I have started researching and made some purchases. I have one of my cams now, and 2 more will be coming soon. I created an image on how I would install it. I now need some seasoned installers to tell me where I have made mistakes. I'm sure there will be several because this is the first IP security cam system I have encountered.
I would like my system to be able to be motion triggered when I am not monitoring, with also the choice to watch the cameras while I am at my other computer.
The image I post here is the hardware I have at this time, minus the 2 cams that will be ordered soon. Please advise what needs to be done to get it operational.

Thank You

I linked the file until I am allowed to upload files.
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Slightly different to your great image but it would be much cheaper (to run in the long-term) and easier if you just got a DS-7604NI-E1 (link to ali attached), pop in a 2TB to 4TB HDD (to record) and use iVMS to remotely monitor either on your phone, tablet or your computer.

If you want to use a PC then what you've drawn up look fine! I know most here with a PC setup use BlueIris.
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As Del has said what you have drawn up would work, but there is a bit much going on for a basic home system,
For the other 2 camera's, I would order the turret models as they have much a better IR lamp compared to the other models.

To match what you have already got, an Hikvision NVR would be the best choice.

If your only going to have 4 camera's MAX, then a 7604n E1/p will be OK, or if upto 8 then a 7808 E2/P or 7608n/sn/p are the better choice. (the P stands for POE included).
Once the configuration is done and you have setup the NVR with a hikonline account (a free ddns service)
You can access your NVR from anywhere.
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The connection from the wrt to the arris needs to be lan to lan not wan to lan. Also if using the wrt as a simply switch, disable the dhcp.
Go with the turrets as recommended...preferable the new 4mp model as they have improved low light vision.
An all on one is probably not the best choice for an NVR-PC as that is probably going to be something that is stolen (unless you record to nas).
As far as PC vs Standalone...there are several threads on this subject...pc based NVR software is way more flexible than an NVR particularity when it comes to scheduling and alerts. Its a personal need to explore the options.
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I am doing the best I can to catch on to this type of surveillance recording and once I have setup the system it will probably be much easier I'm sure. I am a wizard with PC's and such, but this stuff with setting up the IP for a cam and making it all work together will be definitely a new adventure in headaches.

So, having read through the responses, an NVR would be better then a DVR correct? is a NVR more PC friendly since it is recording over network? I ask because I am aiming in direction of total PC involvement with the system and using PC for the control of the system. I spend most of my time at home and late nights are when I am mostly on the computer. I can do much of my monitoring live while working on my main system as I watch the surveillance system for alerts. I would rather like to have the PC as my controls, but I can imagine that an NVR would be good to have when I am not on PC and want to check using a cell. Either way, I see a huge hard drive is required.

As for cameras, the turrets are better IR cams then bullet style? Can you tell me why these are better for night vision or is this the nature of a turret cam?. Also the cams need to be very weather proof since I live in an area where weather is extreme with temps from freezing to close to triple digits in summer. I will not have more then 4 cameras in the system for sure. The total area monitored is only 50ft. x 175ft. residential housing. There also is always someone home here too, so a theft of the system is almost null. My main concerns are outdoor watching for car & boat & the unattached garage. We get occasional troubles from the younger types that seek a quick opportunity like prowling cars and vehicles and things that can be grabbed and stolen.

About the WRT, my Linksys is rather an older router if you haven't noticed. Is this an issue with setting up a system?

Once I start setting up a system in place, I will have many more questions to ask, especially this IP number setting and what settings to use to keep bandwidth over usage down etc.

UPDATE: I read an article concerning the difference between DVR and NVR which was very informative, explaining why one is better then the other, so this does not need to be explored. NVR is the choice.
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NVR vs DVR.... maybe I should write an article.

General opinion is turrets are better than bullets in most cases. The night-vision is better because it uses a better IR system, an IR LED array vs lots of mini IR LEDs. All of these are IP66 weather-proof, not sure about triple digits and freezing (weather here isn't that extreme) so others will chip in please.

You're not going to go too far wrong buying 1x DS-2CD2332-i 4mm and giving it a go getting your system up and running.
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Here is the article I located about NVR vs DVR, it is written quite well.
I connected the camera up today exactly how my image link showed. When I went into the network, the router was present in the listing. I inserted the CD and install the SADPtool. When the software completed and opened the available devices that it located, there was none listed.
When the camera powers on, all the led's turn red for about 10 seconds and then go out.
Perhaps my image I posted of the setup is incorrect? or a firewall setting is not open?


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I think you need to plug your PC into your router. I'm assuming you are using it's NAT and it's not just a glorified switch?

Once setup just forward the ports to the other router
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ok, I think I got the camera noticed by the SADP program I downloaded from Hikvision. The only way I could get it to this point was to remove the router from the linking. So the present connection is like this (below) now. I also included the readout from the SADP program. So, it seems the router was not required for the Hikvision SADP program to locate it on the network.
I have no idea what numbers to plug into the program to allow IP software to display a camera view yet. I tried IP Camera Viewer, Security Monitor Pro and Webcam monitor and none of them gave me an image from camera. It could be because I have not entered any IP numbers in the software since this is still confusing to me.
I understand Blue Iris is the best to use, though I didn't want to blow $50 until I confirmed I can view through camera. Maybe I try their trial version.
The NVR is looking more sweeter as I am going through test with the pc. It would have to be a 4 channel for 4 cameras if I am not mistaken.

Anyway, I guess what I need to do next is figure out how to plug in IP numbers setup so the camera can communicate with software. This looks like another bottle of aspirins too. lol


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use the hikvision ivms4500 mobile app...
to login to the camera via web browerse enter the cameras ip address. You wrt was causing issues because its not setup properly as to act as a simple yourself the headache and just get a cheap switch...
If you are not willing to learn about networking or spend the time tweaking pc software, then you should go with a standalone NVR from hikvision..
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+1... get the 8-port switch because it will help now... also you can add a DS-7608NI-E2 (non PoE) later to work with your setup should you wish to later. This won't stop you from being able to use a PC as an NVR, you can use both at the same time.
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OK, I'm back again...sorry for delays. Besides this surveillance camera project, I also have a 302 project at home that I am trying to get on the road for the wifey. I'm building her a sort of hotrod with this lobed cam engine to have fun with. I just recently dropped the engine in the car and coping with the normal bugs and such.

I'm sure when I start mounting the surveillance system that I will be asked to paint the front of the house at the same time, lol never ends.:wacko:

Well, I took your guys advice and will order the switch today. I thought about ordering a switch at the same time as the injector, but I didn't want to start buying things I wasn't quite sure I required. Always good to get good advise from the experienced.
I did look at some NVR's and some cameras if and when I a time comes to expand or better the system. I want to stick with Hikvision since it seems to be the best value for the buck, but I have noticed many issues concerning this company and hardware components. I keep reading in the reviews and it seems some folks are pissed about receiving the China versions for their orders. They mention that when they try to get help for the item that Hikvision USA will not back the stuff. So, wtf is this about this 2 based company. Do I need to make sure to purchase USA branded versions of this stuff. Apparently there some that have even updated firmware on items and either bricked the darn thing or found out the USA based company will not back the unit in question, now that they updated the firmware with a China version.
I also noticed that some (most) of Hikvision stuff is much cheaper to purchase from overseas and have it shipped, instead of buying from the supposedly USA based companies. I also see some USA based selling companies that are just middle managing a sale that is actually shipped from China. The few that find out they received something like this for example on Amazon are rarely happy about it. I figured I would ask before I start dropping more cash and only to find out I got duped. I do try to back check from whom the company is that is selling on Amazon.
Anyway, I'm going to do some research to familiarize myself more about this stuff while the part is in shipping and check out some of those turret cams.
I'll grab that iVMS4500 software and check it out. I don't have a tablet and my cell phone is not an IPhone that is glued to my right hand. I try to keep myself from depending so deeply to a cell phone. I use an LG Fuel, but it has internet capability. I may have to switch service if I start using more time on it since at this time I just use pay as you go Tracfone time.

Thanks for the help, It's very much appreciated :cool:

Oh, almost forgot...has anyone else had issues with their keyboard using MSIE 11 when typing into reply windows. Firefox doesn't doit, but Explorer will skip letters and hesitate while typing, it's pretty strange and I have no issues with the vBulletin forum software anywhere else. Just thought I would ask, maybe Admin knows or something.

Quick Update on Order: I was checking tracking on the order for the switch I placed per this posting and strangely the tracking showed on the USPS that it will arrive on Sunday 23rd 2015. Since when does the Postal Service work on Sundays? It shows that the package is out for delivery. If this is correct, COOL!, but I have my doubts because mail delivery usually takes Sunday off and since the USPS tacking information is light years behind UPS/FedEx/ and the original man on a Pony carrying a mail bag.


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There is nothing wrong with hikvision...hikvision simply will not support your camera if you dont buy from an authorized reseller...if you buy a china region camera and try to put us firmware on it the camera will brick..simple as that. Some folks dont care about firmware updates or warranties, others do.
You can buy US region hikvision cameras from various sellers. There are a bunch of threads on this subject.
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So, wtf is this about this 2 based company
Well, I think you've got Hikvision sussed, spot on with your research summary!
On the forum - I think we're all embarrassed thinking it's our PC or typing or internet connection. Ages back I changed IE11 to compatibility mode for the site, which avoids the cranky typing issue and works pretty well apart from clicking on pictures.
So yes - we should have made some mention of it.

I just recently dropped the engine in the car and coping with the normal bugs and such
You make it sound easy ... we'll wait for the finished pics.
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I checked the USA site and they are limited to their sellers. Must be some racket going on with them and China. Probably swamped with tech calls from all the millions of China based sales they get, lolol. Amazon is listed as not covered warranty. Sounds like, order and pray that it works right.

Checked dome cameras and this one looks like it would fit my application for this style cam


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On the forum - I think we're all embarrassed thinking it's our PC or typing or internet connection. Ages back I changed IE11 to compatibility mode for the site, which avoids the cranky typing issue and works pretty well apart from clicking on pictures.

Thanks on that compatibility setting, it seems my system is working with that better.
Well, the switch arrived yesterday by postal and the mail man was not a happy person. I caught him as he was leaving and asked why he was working on Sunday. He said it was all because of Amazon orders that needed to be delivered. Amazon must have some powerful connections to be able to make a government office work on Sundays. I can imagine that jobs in the post office are going to be on the rise very soon, lol.

So, how does this switch need to be installed with the camera? In an earlier post I mentioned that the camera was visible in the SADP program using just the Xfinity cable modem and LAN/POE inject. I am pretty sure that this modem has it's own self contained router from what I have seen around. Its a TG862G Xfinity Modem. I did a couple trials connecting the switch and could not get the camera to open in any software yet. I am not sure if it is the way I am trying to set it up with IP since this is not my line of experience. I never had to mess with changing IP numbers and forwarding and giving devices their own IP, so it's got me sort of confused.
Also, do these cameras need to have the user name ADMIN in place for them to activate? I received no directions with the camera and probably watched every youtube video trying to figure out what mistakes I am making. One thing for sure, as you get older, your noodles are not as they were when you were younger. Learning gets a little tougher every year, lol.
I had the feeling that the cameras would be more PnP and not so involved with gateways, mac address, IP4/IP6, ports, NAT, POE, LAN, etc etc. I feel like I am cramming for a *&^% college exam or something.

I did locate this info, if it is required or not:
[h=2]The default IP address, user name, password.
User Name: admin
Password: 12345
Port: 8000
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Great News, I have the camera working great. What a relief it is to know it even works since you never know if you'll have to send it back or something if it isn't working correctly.
The camera seems to get a little warm while it is on, but it will cooling down here soon and that should not be an issue I hope. Now I need to get the ladder out and mount this up and wire it in. I will be ordering at least 2 more cameras for now and one more after those are installed.
I would like to post the site url I found that was very helpful with information, besides That is and specifically the page was that helped the most. The installation video on that linked page was just what I needed to understand the IP placement for the gateway and what needed to be inserted using a simple step by step system to follow along.
Anyway, I definitely want to thank all that helped put in information to help on my request. I know everyone is busy as well and again thanks for posting. I tried to return the favor by giving everyone Thanks points for your help, I hope this is the right way to help you back.
I know I will have some other questions as I setup the system at home, at least now they should be easier to answer, lol.
This thread can be marked as solved at this point.


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