OK, I'm back again...sorry for delays. Besides this surveillance camera project, I also have a 302 project at home that I am trying to get on the road for the wifey. I'm building her a sort of hotrod with this lobed cam engine to have fun with. I just recently dropped the engine in the car and coping with the normal bugs and such.
I'm sure when I start mounting the surveillance system that I will be asked to paint the front of the house at the same time, lol never ends.:wacko:
Well, I took your guys advice and will order the switch today. I thought about ordering a switch at the same time as the injector, but I didn't want to start buying things I wasn't quite sure I required. Always good to get good advise from the experienced.
I did look at some NVR's and some cameras if and when I a time comes to expand or better the system. I want to stick with Hikvision since it seems to be the best value for the buck, but I have noticed many issues concerning this company and hardware components. I keep reading in the reviews and it seems some folks are pissed about receiving the China versions for their orders. They mention that when they try to get help for the item that Hikvision USA will not back the stuff. So, wtf is this about this 2 based company. Do I need to make sure to purchase USA branded versions of this stuff. Apparently there some that have even updated firmware on items and either bricked the darn thing or found out the USA based company will not back the unit in question, now that they updated the firmware with a China version.
I also noticed that some (most) of Hikvision stuff is much cheaper to purchase from overseas and have it shipped, instead of buying from the supposedly USA based companies. I also see some USA based selling companies that are just middle managing a sale that is actually shipped from China. The few that find out they received something like this for example on Amazon are rarely happy about it. I figured I would ask before I start dropping more cash and only to find out I got duped. I do try to back check from whom the company is that is selling on Amazon.
Anyway, I'm going to do some research to familiarize myself more about this stuff while the part is in shipping and check out some of those turret cams.
I'll grab that iVMS4500 software and check it out. I don't have a tablet and my cell phone is not an IPhone that is glued to my right hand. I try to keep myself from depending so deeply to a cell phone. I use an LG Fuel, but it has internet capability. I may have to switch service if I start using more time on it since at this time I just use pay as you go Tracfone time.
Thanks for the help, It's very much appreciated
Oh, almost forgot...has anyone else had issues with their keyboard using MSIE 11 when typing into reply windows. Firefox doesn't doit, but Explorer will skip letters and hesitate while typing, it's pretty strange and I have no issues with the vBulletin forum software anywhere else. Just thought I would ask, maybe Admin knows or something.
Quick Update on Order: I was checking tracking on the order for the switch I placed per this posting and strangely the tracking showed on the USPS that it will arrive on Sunday 23rd 2015. Since when does the Postal Service work on Sundays? It shows that the package is out for delivery. If this is correct, COOL!, but I have my doubts because mail delivery usually takes Sunday off and since the USPS tacking information is light years behind UPS/FedEx/ and the original man on a Pony carrying a mail bag.