Network retry

Ok I unplugged the camera from its metallic connector and re-plugged. I also reconnect all my cpl power line adapters. Since 2 hours, I don't had any timeout during my ping requests, and BI has not triggered any error.

If I have network issues after that test, I will buy a small switch to connect the camera and PC together....

I will keep you informed ... crossing fingers to avoid ping timeouts...
If not, powerline adapters are very unreliable, and not stable at all for large consistent data rate. They will have a high retry rate. Any time an electric item starts up or shuts down you will have problems.

I tried a TP-LINK (AV2000) power line adapter for a 2MP camera at a 8FPS. It would not work reliable.
FWIW, my experience PLAs ("Power Line Adapters") has been very different and positive.
I have a pair of gigabit TP-LINK AV-1000's in a garage camera that I could not run Ethernet to about 60 feet from my BI server and it has been rock steady.
It's a 2MP Amcrest (Dahua rebrand) IP2M-841, 2MP/1080 @ 15FPS.

I'm in the middle of a national forest area, very rural and power glitches and outages are waaay too common and frequent, as are severe lightning storms. The PLAs always come back on after an outage with no issues.

Full disclosure: the original AV-1000's ran 3 years hiccup-free until lightning took it one out along with the BI server's motherboard, a switch and a wireless access point. That was a year ago in February (yes, February!). It's replacement ran beautifully for 16 months until lightning took out another half of the AV-1000 pair last week on June 22; it also got a switch, a POE injector for the BluebirdCam and a 12VDC wallwart for my seasonal Armadiilo cam.

I don't suggest running your entire home LAN via PLAs but I do feel they have a place in limited applications and can be reliable and practical.
Some news...

After some hope, the issue is still there. It was OK for a pair of hours this morning, then around 16:00 PM, I had some packets loss, and then the IP of the camera was simply not reachable anymore by BI or by the PING script.
To recover the camera, I tried to :
  • Disconnect/reconnect ONLY the DATA ethernet cable of the camera (between the CPL and the POE injector), WITHOUT rebooting the CPL or without rebooting the camera (POE supply still there) --> Issue still there
  • Disconnect / reconnect the ethernet cable with embedded PoE supply --> Imply camera reboot --> Camera is now OK and reachable.

The CPL grid is stable and was not in error when the camera was not reachable anymore.

In conclusion, I have the impression that the issue comes from the camera... Is there any network configuration which is not correclty done?

I use my main access point in order to adresse a fixed IP adress to the camera (using MAC address of the camera), and my camera networks settings are the following :



Thanks for your help...

For information, the FW versions and cam-related infos are the following :

Could be your cam, your cam setup looks ok. A couple of suggestions for troubleshooting:
1) set cam to a static IP address (i.e. and connect it to your BL computer directly, instead of PC going to the Devolo device. See if you have the same issue over time.
2) set up switch where your cam is orginally connected and add another device that you can ping (i.e. another computer). When cam starts having issues, try pinging the other device.
Thanks, I will try to put a laptop on a switch with the camera , after the CPL , in order to see if the computer answers correctly to ping requests. Stay tuned...
test the camera put it on a direct hardwired wired ethernet, Run it for 24 hours. Use a POE switch. Have the BI computer and the Camera connected to the same switch.

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The first question to answer, does the camera work in the simplest environment.

how do you know that the POE injector is not causing your problem. Remove the POE injector and use a wall wart power supply.

You need to connect the camera directly , via a switch , to the BI PC.
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The first question to answer, does the camera work in the simplest environment.

how do you know that the POE injector is not causing your problem. Remove the POE injector and use a wall wart power supply.

You need to connect the camera directly , via a switch , to the BI PC.

You are right when you say that I should try without the injector, but I would like to do this in a second step when I will be able to confirm that the issue comes from the cam+injector combo.

Concerning the switch and the computer, the problem is that I am not able to connect my computer to the camera switch, due to physical distance, I simply does not have a long enough ethernet cable for the moment, so I try to isolate the issue with available means...

If I can put in evidence that the issue comes from the cpl network (which,for me, is not the case), I will have to make some cable installation in my walls in order to link the computer to the same switch than camera. But to be honest, I have the impression that the CPL network is working very nicely up to now...following the tests done.
I’m also going with power line adapters as the culprit. Those are truly a roll of the dice.
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Then in in this case, I will have common issue when pinging my camera and my test routeur that are after the CPL network.

Since yesterday (12hours of script running), here are the results :

-1 ping loss for the router (
-0 ping loss for the camera (

On the other hand, yesterday I have disabled DHCP in the camera network settings, is it possible that the issue comes from that setting ?
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Then in in this case, I will have common issue when pinging my camera and my test routeur that are after the CPL network.

Since yesterday (12hours of script running), here are the results :

-1 ping loss for the router (
-0 ping loss for the camera (

On the other hand, yesterday I have disabled DHCP in the camera network settings, is it possible that the issue comes from that setting ?

That might be, but a "simple" DHCP "renew" request should not happen on a daily basis nor cause a network timeout.

Just a hunch: if you factory reset your camera, and ONLY change the bits and bytes you really need (eg the iFrame interval ;-) ) does it still occur? You did the 5-second-disconnect test, but I haven't seen the 10-second-disconnect test. But now, you see ping losses towards your router and not your camera, so it did suggest a "networking" issue and not a camera issue.

For me, it would be best to test the "baseline" conditions: BI pc, cable to switch - to cam (with wall transfo). Run pingtest for 24h. If successfull, you can already eliminate the bare-metal camera and BI pc. Then incrementally change towards your final setup: remove wall power transfo, and add POE injector. Run again for 24h. If you see drops, it's the POE injector causing it. If you don't see it, add the devolo's etc etc.

Debugging takes time. Yet it's the only way to pin point the root cause!

Good luck!
Seems that I have some ping timeouts on the two interfaces .. (router & cam) and at the same time (ping from the BI computer)

I begin to think that the CPL network is maybe the root cause.

Nevertheless, I will let the automatic ping requests run and I will make some crossing between the two logs files tomorrow... This will probably help me to understand...

Okay, here are the results (more than 14 hours data)

Pings from BI PC.

Timeouts camera : 119
Timeouts Router : 126

Average duration of timeouts : 5secs.

Response delays (Blue = Camera, Orange = Router)


I have noticed that in the response delay :

  • Around 11.00PM, there is a huge increase of delays, (around this time, I was watching TV using the Wi-Fi of the CPL module used to connect the BI computer to my network!)
  • It looks like there is a periodic behavior, period = 20mins = 1200secs, zoom :


I don't know what can cause this periodic perturbation, and it looks like this perturbation affects more the camera response delay than the routeur response delay... even if both are affected.

I have bought a PoE switch and will try to connect my BI PC to the camera direclty through the switch...

What is your advices based on these results?

Don’t use power line adapters. I’d be very surprised if connecting through a proper switch with Cat5e/6 didn’t make the entire thing go away.

Yes, I will connect all together on a PoE switch. I had some "signal restore" warnings from BI today, all are synchronized with my pings timeouts (It is necesary to have at least 3 successive ping timeouts = approx. 10sec in order to get a BI warning).

I will just keep a CPL for access from outside, where timeouts are not an issue.

I have installed the cable cat6 between my BI computer and one PoE switch (TP-Link). This switch is also direclty connected to my camera, and to an internet network.

After some hours of operation :

the ping requests are better (<1ms)
but... Network retries always there!! :(

Seems that the CPL network was not the root cause...

I have made a hard reset of the camera, annd just reset my video settings and (fixed) IP setting...

Will see ... :(
Are you still getting 2 seconds of signal loss on Cat5e like you said you were in the first post? Or are you just getting occasional network retries with no other issues?
In the log files of BI, I see always the same error message than in my first post (always with 2 seconds of interval between the loss and the recover)
Well that is strange. I would have bet money it was your power line adapters. Hmm...