Network retry

What I don't understand is that I am sure that my network retries were linked to my pings timeouts.

And these timeouts concerned my camera but also one TP Link router for which I have full confidence.

If the issue does not come from the CPL... I am wondering if the issue is not comming from .... the PC itself...

I have just updated my Ethernet board drivers to be sure, I had an old driver version... Maybe it will help...
Provide a simple drawing of your network as it is with the hardwire ethernet cable.

Very simple now :


I can remark, when making auto-pings to my camera and to my main access point :

  • ping to my access point are often in timeouts, but I suppose that this is due to my CPL network
  • ping to my camera are better (<1ms), but each 20 mins, they increase up to some ms during 1-2 mins, I don't know what can cause this delay increase each 20 mins... (but this is maybe not problematic)
  • since yesterday (when I had some network retries with this new setup), I didn't get any ping timeout or network retry during this last night...
Are you running a ping test from a wireless client and still going over the power line adapters? Are are you connected to the same switch the BI machine is connected to and running it from there?
pings request are done from the BI PC, so yes, this is wired network and the CPLs are not used anymore between PC and cam.