When we wrote about the ICMP fix, the issue was a NETWORK DISCONNECTION, as user
@ronin1 reported:
Batch config only shows an Exception error - Network Disconnection in the logs
Did you check your router logs and batch config's event log to see if a network disconnection happened? If it didn't, probably there has been some modification in the firmware of the camera when the "isolated" condition happens due to ICMP being blocked. In any case, from my network/system experience, I advise all people that use firewalls for LAN traffic, to properly configure their rules, ICMP on LAN should ALWAYS been allowed, it's a BASIC error not doing so. But it's out of the scope of this thread having to explain the basics of networking. You want the illusion of maximum security using firewalls also in your home LAN environment? Well, pay close attention to what you do, and check the basics before complaining about the devices and the free support you are receiving here from everybody.
You should read the entire 101 when you have a problem and are looking for a solution, it has been maintained with lot of effort by
@David L to avoid having to read the thousands of posts in the thread. If you don't have the time or patience to at least analyze carefully 101, at least don't complain for the hard work that David put into this. Remember that we're not being paid by anybody, it's a hobby, we do it for passion and to help others solve issues more easily, learning from the experience of the entire community of users here.
In any case, it's my fault the 101 is not intelligible enough, David asked me to revise it months ago, but I had severe personal problems that got my mind elsewhere. So please don't blame David for anything, he's done an outstanding job. If there's something to improve and it didn't, it's entirely my fault. As soon as I'll come out of the messy situation, and my brain can concentrate on that task, I will revise the entire document.
Having said that, I think we don't deserve to be accused of anything for the reasons I described above.