You have to understand that many of the folks on this site have been here for years. So they can get a little "short" and be blunt because they've answered the same questions and seen the exact same threads over and over.
This is why the easy way for us to answer someone who is just getting started is to point them to the
Wiki and the
Cliff Notes.
When I first started setting up a security camera system, I wanted to impulse-buy everything and get it set up immediately. As a result, I bought a bunch of cameras that I really wish I could trade now for better units.
In the end, it has taken me almost a year to figure out what I want, and get things slowly set up right.
The sad fact is that to do this right, you will need to learn quite a bit. Most of the packaged systems that you can buy off the shelf will be unsecure and expose your network to outside attack, and likely not do what you want in the long run. So people here want to save you money and grief, and, in the long-run, labor and effort.
But it seems discouraging at first, because you can't just have what you want immediately and easily.
Don't be discouraged. Slow down, give up on the idea that this will be quick and incredibly easy. It won't.
But the good news is that you can avoid the mistakes many of us have made. And that will save you time, money, and effort in the long run.
There are a lot of details that are non-trivial in setting up a cam system that will be good, reliable, do what you really want, and not expose your network to easy attack.
If you are willing to accept that this will require a lot of knowledge, and are willing to take the time necessary to do that learning, then you really can build a do-it-yourself system that is better than what you could buy off the shelf or have installed professionally by many companies.
It's like being told that you can't open your Christmas presents until after new years, and you have to do your homework before you can have dessert. Believe me, I know!
But hang in there, and take your time. You won't have your system up and running as fast as you thought you would before you found this forum. I feel your disappointment. I really do!
But you will get what you want in good time. And it'll be something you are happy with and proud of.
Don't be put off by the short answers or impatience we sometimes have here. You're the thousandth person who has asked the same sequence of questions. So people tend to do a face-palm, and be curt at times.
But I do understand exactly where you are and what you'd like to see. A nice step-by-step guide to setting up the perfect system quickly and as cheaply as possible.
We'll work with you. There just isn't any one-size-fits-all answer, unfortunately. So this will be more work than any of us would like. But it's a pretty interesting and fun project for most of us.
Take your time and enjoy, and dont give up yet.