Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

Looking forward to November. His numbers are up right now but the mess will have come back to roost by then.

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Assuming Biden remembers what day it is and can remember his name, it should be a close race then
I went to Walmart, Aldi and CVS this morning...Florida Governor has issued a 30-day stay-at-home order starting at midnight. Yes, I wore my N95 mask and by eye protection goggles. I would estimate that about 1 in 10 customers were wearing masks. Almost none of them appeared to be N95 masks (probably can't get them) and some were wearing homemade cloth masks and bandanas. I think you'll see more and more of this if you haven't already. There's wasn't any stigma associated with this PPE although I kind of felt ridiculous especially when trying to talk through it. Every store has blue tape denoting 6 foot spacing with signs everywhere about social distancing requirements. Everyone was doing a great job of distancing.

See below pic of Walmart...that barrier of shopping carts? It's crowd control. You have to enter the gauntlet to the far right and get in line. There are signs about social distancing on the carts and on the sidewalk there is blue tape every 6 feet.

^^^ Are you noticing any parking lots littered with used gloves, masks, and condoms where you are?
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^^^ Are you noticing any parking lots littered with used gloves, masks, and condoms where you are?

Nope...just a bunch of "deplorables" as usual. :p
I was stopping by a grocery chain yesterday for groceries only to find out they close at 6pm now. Parking lot was full of it from gloves to paper towel sheets, and surgical masks, I thought WOW, that plastic latex will take 400+ years to decompose. You could smell the latex from a distance. Great job everybody, we're walking through a door with no return now :lol: On the parking lot I also found what seemed to be used toilet paper, not many sheets left and there was something brown hanging out of the cardboard roll. This can't get any worse :facepalm:

The amount of bird droppings on carts left outside was also a spectacle to endure.

Nope...just a bunch of "deplorables" as usual. :p
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But everything else that flies, slithers, creeps and crawls is still on the table...yes, I meant the dinner table. :eek:

How funny, May 1st? Why not as of today? There will be an all you can eat buffet for the next four weeks. Enjoy while you can.

But everything else that flies, slithers, creeps and crawls is still on the table...yes, I meant the dinner table. :eek:

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Uh, hell yes. He largely ignored this thing from the beginning other than putting some travel restrictions into place (which I supported). THose were poorly enforced and the "deep state" quarantine centers were largely unused due to his bumbling and downloaying of the threat. His administration is guilty of failure to prepare, failure to react appropriately, and intentionally misleading the American public throughout the crisis.

There's a LOT of people in positions of "upper management" who claim to be leaders and have failed to prepare.

National governments and institutions

Fed Government - Executive branch, Legislative branches, ... remember the senators get secret updates on the corona virus from the early days. Did they warn their respective states to prepare?

State governements.
Local city governments - often these folks are running the airports iirc

Hospitals - did not order enough PPE...

Media failing us - like youtube, clamping down on discussions of this topic. ( demonetizing channels, removing them from being recommended )

Many companies failing to be proactive. Still seeing little PPE for clerks at stores.... some stores now have shields to protect the clerks, a good start. Amazon finally jumped on board and will allow PPE for workers... imagine the impact of shutting down a critical warehouse in the supply chain.

Look around you will still find those claiming this is no worse than the seasonal flu....
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This nurse should probably be wearing a mask before entering. Anyone could be having the virus and be asymptomatic

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Really, really, NO!

We would love this treatment to succeed wildly. And it shows promise. But it's bad for a president to instill hope in a treatment that has gone through so little clinical testing (for this purpose), to the extent that people hoard the drug and make it hard for people that routinely take it for SLE etc. to experience challenges. There is a reason we do clinical trials to verify safety and efficacy for existing therapies for new indications.

Believe me, we have plenty to prove him wrong about already with respect to Coronavirus. We are very happy to give him this one!

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Interesting findings, thanks for sharing!

So, it tops the list as being rates by the largest number of docs as the most promising/effective treatment among those listed. That's a good start.

But the data presented basically say it is popular but there is no indication of how effective it is. No listing of number of patients, mean time exhibiting symptoms, disease progression with or without it. It was considered more effective than analgesics or cough syrup etc. But where are the stats about what that means?

To me these are interesting data and I'm glad more research is underway. What the days doesn't show is any objective efficacy or safety data.

In fact it was rated just a bit better than "antibiotics" and a few more points better than "nothing" per the below slide:


So it looks kinda marginal to me. That could change dramatically in either direction based on the actual efficacy data.

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Its like exaggerating specs and no one will notice, this is bigger than fraud, its not even politics, can't tuck the facts under a rug nor carpet

Its like exaggerating specs and no one will notice, this is bigger than fraud, its not even politics, can't tuck the facts under a rug nor carpet

No chit! :mad: Look at China's total cases per million compared to the top 10. And, check out that we had $27K+ cases today alone which is greater than the total number for the #9 and #10.

And this assumes you're gullible enough to believe the numbers from China, Iran, Turkey and few others.
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I'm 99% sure that none of us were ever gullible to believe any numbers from those nations. Now I wonder how the rest of the world will react when this is all over. WION News is really on top of this stuff. I don't see other media outlets being aggressive on this other than the opinion-based reports. At the moment, the crisis is still casting over the country and much of the attention is on public awareness and number of cases/deaths. Once this is all over, the attention will shift to how the world should respond to the source of this virus. Although Italy is already doing something about it.

Don't think this was ever posted,

And this assumes you're gullible enough to believe the numbers from China, Iran, Turkey and few others.
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Here we go, but I don't think the UNC is going to do much. Its just an attempt to calm folks down. Corruption is not only in one country.