Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


That’s obviously not possible. I mean Zero Hedge got kicked off by the all knowing Twitter for even mentioning the scientific study 2 months ago, I and others were castigated by the all knowing MSM and members here for raising the possibility, and it doesn’t fit the narrative.

And, and, and somehow it’s gotta be racist!

Nothing to see here, move along comrades.
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How's the house coming, Q? Must be weird dealing with that with so much stuff shut down.

I feel like an archaeologist Brother; there's so much grime and dirt in there I'm only now scrubbing through to the Bronze Age. Put in 28 hours each of the past 2 weekends...56 hours over 4-days. I work my regular job M-F (without a fuQing paycheck I might add) 8:30-5:00 PM...then I go the the new house and work until it's dark. 2-nights ago I was crawling through 60-years of dirt, rat feces, and debris on my hands and knees 40-feet under a covered porch in the dark...with a faltering headlamp. I got poison ivy on my face and wrists...smashed my left thumbnail with a hammer...I got bruises on my arms and legs...any day I expect to have a circa 1880 rusty 10-penny spike go through my foot.

I'm so beaten down it looks like up.

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Some guys ask me for the N95 masks, how to buy good masks, easy way to check the quality is to put water in. And hold it 30 seconds to check if have any leakage, if has leakge the mask is not good.
Till now i helped around 20guys bought them,I also Donate some medical masks to one US hospital too.
US cases is going down now, the next step is how to escape the infection when you go to work. My friend in Wuhan, their community blocked again, has lots of none sympton cases. After 1 week after re-open they have to stay at home again. This only for those communities which have confirmed infections.
View attachment 59604

Thanks Andy! Great to have you here.

In terms of small business going bankrupt, I suspect we are going to have many headaches here in the USA attempting to prevent many businesses from falling apart.

Some businesses will do well ( example online orders, tech which enables online classes and work.. ) , others will fail - cinemas, restaurants, bars, sports and concert venues,...

I am expecting social unrest and anger building up, you will see out politicians get very nasty in the fall with more blame being thrown around. ( mud slinging as we call it ).

Of course, as history shows, we will survive this drama, industry and business will recover - although somethings will have changed ( hopefully for the better ).

One thing I expect to change: Healthcare, Medical supply chain - we probably will produce more critical medical products / medicines in the USA.

This should be interesting for you to watch some of this drama ( do not over watch it though... just too much drama to consume ).

Of course it is expected that companies and businesses grow / shrink and get created and die. It is a part of the normal business life cycle. The idea in imho is to try to keep the businesses which should survive alive during the meanwhile by providing means for them not to go bankrupt during the Pandemic response.
That’s obviously not possible. I mean Zero Hedge got kicked off by the all knowing Twitter for even mentioning the scientific study 2 months ago, I and others were castigated by the all knowing MSM and members here for raising the possibility, and it doesn’t fit the narrative.

And, and, and somehow it’s gotta be racist!

Nothing to see here, move along comrades.

Without doubt racist

Sort of like when Trump said "Young Men" in regards to the Kavanaugh hoax, that meant "White Men" to them...

That from this...
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Someone asked me, what do I do when I'm in quarantine. Well, here's your answer,

No you can't....we need it for ourselves :p
I know a fews folks that told me that buffalo testicles taste better than pork, may be that’s what gave rise to Mad Cow’s Disease :idk:

Viewer Discretion Advised. Watch the Whole Clip ;) Time for Supper, I'll check back here later for the comments :p
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Not to sound like a smart a$$ but doesn’t WH also stands for White House? :rofl:

Clearly, in your case, you are posting stuff on this forum other explanation.... :winktongue:

I feel like an archaeologist Brother; there's so much grime and dirt in there I'm only now scrubbing through to the Bronze Age. Put in 28 hours each of the past 2 weekends...48 hours over 4-days. I work my regular job M-F (without a fuQing paycheck I might add) 8:30-5:00 PM...then I go the the new house and work until it's dark. 2-nights ago I was crawling through 60-years of dirt, rat feces, and debris on my hands and knees 40-feet under a covered porch in the dark...with a faltering headlamp. I got poison ivy on my face and wrist...smashed my left thumbnail with a hammer...I got bruises on my arms and legs...any day I expect to have a circa 1880 rusty 10-penny spike go through my foot.

So, all good Marine. Carry on.
Starts from 1 minute, onward

Looks like they didn't start limiting purchases soon enough. Can't buy more than one packet of 12 rolls of TP, two pkgs of chicken, four pkgs hamburger meat and two hand sanitation products. Stores here have been pretty well stocked since managers clamped down.
That’s obviously not possible. I mean Zero Hedge got kicked off by the all knowing Twitter for even mentioning the scientific study 2 months ago, I and others were castigated by the all knowing MSM and members here for raising the possibility, and it doesn’t fit the narrative.

And, and, and somehow it’s gotta be racist!

Nothing to see here, move along comrades.

Facebook 'Fact Checker' Worked At Wuhan Biolab; Ruled Out Virus-Leak While 'Debunking' Articles
Dow futures rip 800 points higher amid report Gilead drug showing effectiveness treating coronavirus

The University of Chicago’s phase 3 drug trial found that most of its patients had “rapid recoveries in fever and respiratory symptoms” and were discharged in less than a week, health-care publication STAT News reported.

Saw that. Hate when happens as I have no fuel to get in with after hours and it’ll open at the high and I’ll sit and watch all the longs who were oblivious to what otherwise would likely have been a big down day tomorrow make piles of money :lmao: