Not much time today. Tried to take afternoon off; failed miserably. But got a major project at work done.
OK, let's review.
THE SARS-COV2 virus is not man made. Period. It was fully sequenced long months ago; it has no markers of human manipulation (despite debunked claims the contrary), some of the sequences were unknown to science before it appeared (but now are known to come from natural sources), and the technology to engineer it in a way we couldn't detect simply doesn't exist. There are many debunking articles out there from whatever stripe you prefer, but here was a good one:
Virologists vigorously debunk new study on origins of the novel coronavirus; the latest allegation that the virus is man-made.
I've read many things on this from the entire spectrum of ideology and I trust that the virus is natural. Whether it leaded from a lab in which it might have been being studied or not, I can't say.
I also reviewed logistics reports today; things are surprisingly normal for intra-China shipments. This supports the small scale nature of the outbreak of cases. China is draconian but effective in their response. The big question is will they see a second wave or will it be a series of these tiny farts of cases. I mean, they are shutting down large sectors of their capitol city for a few hundred cases. By comparison, Indiana today reported 389 cases and 23 deaths, and we are on the "opening up trend." Our average ICU utilization by COVID is quite low but specific hospitals in the state are close to full. On another forum I correspond with an emergency responder and he told me the surprising fact that his hospital is full up; I didn't realize how spotty this thing is.
I remain disgusted at how few people wear masks. If everyone masked up this thing could be over in time for incumbent politicians to declare victory over it. I was at the dentist today; they have strict protocols and you wait in the car until your appointment, call to make sure waiting room is clear, masks are required for patients except when they are being actively worked on, and the staff are PPEed up the wazoo. They also had me use a disinfectant rinse that was super yucky. I applaud them.
Another record day for Florida cases, >3800. 42 deaths. Georgia not far behind.