Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

Ha, no, I was thinking like a parts list, schematic, ya know... someone to do all the homework and book report for me :) I'm lazy. Competent and capable, but lazy...
I use Philips TUV PLL bulbs. Mine are 36 watts each. They are driven by a Philips "Advance" ballast. That's pretty much it, wire it up, plug it in. The rest is just fancy window dressing. I added a nice steel box to house the electronics, a safety timer to turn the unit off, and a UHF remote control so I can activate it after I leave the room.
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What? Less than 100 people out of +7 billion. More than +75000 people die from the flu last year.
Just more miss information and fear mongering by the news media.
We won't know if your statement has merit or not for another year or two.. If this coronavirus goes the way of MERS and SARS, then it will have merit... but if it becomes another seasonal flu, then the media is not fear mongering.

Your statement was made on Jan 26th and you can see the viruses progression since that time a month ago, has your opinion changed at all?
  • Wow
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There's theories that this thing has already mutated. So maybe it's a different strain already?..
Well, this sucks,
Recovered patients testing positive again
Perhaps the test is faulty?

FYI - some tests only test for the antibodies or similar, that is the test does not directly test for the virus.

Still waiting to see more data on secondary infections, possible that it can be more deadly the 2nd time around...
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Cam across this - sure hope that it is true...

FYI - animal and human trials take considerable amount of time, then the ramp up time to create enough... 90 days as stated in the article seems to be 1/2 the time of other sources I recall reading..
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Creativity at its best, lol

On a serious note,

I'm a big believer in personal and financial responsibility.

Interesting. You recognize that "racism and bigotry" has put up "nearly insurmountable obstacles" and you go onto state that it's "nearly impossible to escape the values and perspectives one is raised with as a child." But then you hard pivot and clearly place blame for poverty on the same people whose situation you previously expressed an understanding for. What we're left with appears to be the same old "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" trope that the fortunate have historically put upon the shoulders of the unfortunate.

It's hard not to surmise that the purpose of your words is not to profess a confusing two-faced bootstrap philosophy, but is rather an act of manipulation, performance, and/or self-aggrandizement.
Interesting. You recognize that "racism and bigotry" has put up "nearly insurmountable obstacles" and you go onto state that it's "nearly impossible to escape the values and perspectives one is raised with as a child." But then you hard pivot and clearly place blame for poverty on the same people whose situation you previously expressed an understanding for. What we're left with appears to be the same old "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" trope that the fortunate have historically put upon the shoulders of the unfortunate.

It's hard not to surmise that the purpose of your words is not to profess a confusing two-faced bootstrap philosophy, but is rather an act of manipulation, performance, and/or self-aggrandizement.

Thats not quite my takeaway from his post.

the fact of the matter is that raising yourself up is not impossible, nor is it always possible.

there are good and bad in all races, creeds, or whatever term you want to reference.

there are a lot of rich people that grew up poor or in bad situations, and that was their driving force.

for the most part, your life is in your own hands. There are people that play the victim and people that rise above, and people that just do whatever with the cards they were dealt. 1 person does not equal all people and he has thought to his reasons.

you judging him is no different than the opinions and outlooks hes free to have.

End of story.

now lets get back to killing this virus!
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for the most part, your life is in your own hands. There are people that play the victim and people that rise above, and people that just do whatever with the cards they were dealt. 1 person does not equal all people and he has thought to his reasons.

Thank you...good stuff; this will be my last comment on this particular matter. We humans have a nasty propensity to label entire classes of fellow our human beings as being deficient in one aspect or another. "Look at where they all live"..."look at their schools"..."look at what they're doing to us"...and on and on and on. I'm proud that I pulled myself up by my bootstraps going from a next-to-nothing to a "success." But frankly -- even though I worked my ass off for 30+ years to accomplish it -- it was easy...probably in large part because I'm tall, I'm white, I'm semi-intelligent, I attended good schools, grew up in affluence, and I'm a male. The bolts in my neck were the only hindrance.

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Sick leave for Corona at pub chain in UK
"One of the UK's biggest employers says staff will be subject to regular statutory sick pay rules if they self-isolate owing to coronavirus.

Pub chain JD Wetherspoon, which has 45,000 employees, said the virus was being treated like any other illness.

Under statutory sick pay rules, an employee is not paid for the first three days of absence, and then only if they earn at least £118 a week.

Strictly speaking, there is no right to sick pay for anyone in self-isolation.

However, arbitration service Acas said it was "good practice" for employers to treat it as sick leave or agree for the time to be taken as holiday."


Coronavirus: Amazon removes overpriced goods and fake cures
Amazon has banned more than one million products which claim to protect against the coronavirus - or even cure it.

The online retailer told Reuters it had also removed "tens of thousands" of overpriced health products from unscrupulous sellers.. "

( and yet they allow unscrupulous sellers of other products like "flat cat7" rated cables which have hair diameter copper wires... )


Must suck when you're locked up in quarantine and you can't play your favorite game

Coronavirus: Plague Inc. game banned in China
"A game which challenges players to spread a deadly virus around the world has been banned in China, its makers have said.

Plague Inc. has been pulled from the Chinese app store for including "illegal content", British-based developer Ndemic Creations said. .."
  • Wow
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Can that make my avocados rippen faster? I have a hankering for guacamole but the avocados are hard as a rock. 4 minutes would work.
Its only a surface skin effect. The UV Light damages only that which is exposed to the light. While it will turn a banana black and make it look likes its rotted in about 15 minutes, the actual fruit inside is not affected.
View attachment Kungfu.mp4

Stay at home is bit boring, so this lady show us some different.Good news today only 4 new infection in China mainland except the Wuhan , wuhan still have more than 400 infection.
Other place in China back to normal, so can produce lots of masks. The dahua company there is 0 infection, so that is a good news.
I'm a big believer in personal and financial responsibility. I wear shoes until you can see my toes sticking out of them.. I carry a $30 flip phone and drive a 20 year old truck that is half rusted out. My shirts have holes, my pants have stains, and I cut my own hair to within a 1/2 inch of my scalp.. When I walk into a hardware store, people look at me as though they think I'm either homeless or one step from being homeless.. Metaphorically, I'm the guy who walked into the bank and asked for his parking to be validated.. (if you're familiar with that one)...

I'm also a landlord and was a business owner with 200+ employees....

And I'm not alone as my wife walks around pretty much the same way.. more or less. No makeup, no useless jewelry, and cuts her own hair..

When the wheels to her 18 year old car LITERALLY fell off.. (ya.. it actually fell off).. we bought a new car for her.. and paid cash.

And by the way, when I got out of the Air Force, I had no money and had to accept a handout of food from a friend a couple times. I know what poverty feels like.

I have no problems with people who live in poverty for whatever unfortunate reasons life has thrown at them. I feel sorry for people who have not had the opportunity to rise up a bit and make their lives more comfortable. I could rant on about the pitiful state of our public educational system and its failures, or how racism and bigotry have persecuted so many people and put nearly insurmountable obstacles in their way... but that's another conversation..

The fact is, while so many people do live in poverty, I would question how many of them made bad choices. Which then begs the question: who should be responsible for those choices and lifestyles?

The problem has been going on for so long that one could even question who's at fault. When parents raise a child to be responsible and the child grows to adulthood and makes bad choices, its easy to pin the blame on the person making those bad choices. But how do we blame someone who was raised by irresponsible parents who taught them to make bad choices? Hence, the problem has gone from one of personal responsibility, to a systemic one.

It is nearly impossible to escape the values and perspectives one is raised with as a child. For these people raised in such a way, I feel very sorry for them.

Thing is, that probably accounts for less than half of those poverty numbers. While I don't think its wise to espouse the fallacy of small numbers, the fact is, I know several people who are on one form of welfare or another.. mostly food cards.. and not a single one of them has a responsible bone in their body. They buy food for their families on the taxpayer dime and walk around with gold jewelry and $500 cell phones... and what stuns me, they are proud and think they are being responsible with their lifestyle.

Sorry man, I only have so much compassion to give out, and I'd rather save it for the sick, the elderly, and those of random unfortunate circumstances who deserve compassion. The drug addicts, groupies, and lazy people are not my problem. If that's your definition of a douchbag, then I'm fine with it.

Here's a footnote.. (EmpireTecAndy will like this one) Go research and see what percentage of Asian American's are on welfare or living in poverty.. Their culture has a strong work ethic with a priority on education.. Now compare them to the average American under the same variables..

Like I said, I put a lot of value into personal responsibility. I don't blame McDonald's when I spill hot coffee on myself and I don't sue stores when I'm being irresponsible and slip in their parking lot. We American's have become lazy, entitled, and stupid.. and I don't want to pay for it.

I sincerely apologize if I strike you as a douchbag. This douchbag stocks hundreds of pounds of extra food that will probably never be needed, just so he can feed his neighbors if something bad ever happens.
I totally agree with what you said, and thank you for your service :)
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I totally agree with what you said, and thank you for your service :)
Thank you, but you don't have to thank me for my service.. I worked in an environmentally controlled laboratory back in the late 80's and early 90's.. My uniform was what would be considered a Tyvek suit today, with little booties, a silly shower cap, and a surgeons mask.. Closest I came to combat was arguing with another lab guy over who got the last piece of pizza.

The real hero's are those who put themselves in harms way for us all and let bad guys shoot at them.
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Stay at home is bit boring, so this lady show us some different.Good news today only 4 new infection in China mainland except the Wuhan , wuhan still have more than 400 infection.
Other place in China back to normal, so can produce lots of masks. The dahua company there is 0 infection, so that is a good news.

Could use a guard like that at some of our places! The thieves would certainly stop stealing our packages!