aha, i will not sell them, because right now China also big lacking of them. Normal people no need to wear the N95, just normal sugical mask is fine. Wash hands frequency, keep ventilation and better not go to busy places. If have to, wear masks. Most place in US are not such crowd as Asian countries, i don't think US will have big spreading. US stock market increased too much in the past years, right now down because people all want to keep their profit and sell ,sell ,sell. Will be a good chance for buying at lower price.
I watch the data of the virus every morning when i wake up, today the data drop again, and the
death drop to 44,and only 329( Wuhan 313) new confrimed infection. So the rest of the China,
only 6 new adding. China has very strong policy to stop spreading, for example right now i go to SHANGHAI for a business trip, i have to stay at hotel for 1 week, can't go anywhere. If i am from wuhan, i have to stay at hotel for 2 weeks and can't go anywhere till meet this 14days isolation. So right now very seldome people travelling. Within a province(State)then no problem. I think next week China will reduce the control all based on the real situation.
When China back to normal, will produce billons of masks