Is this next? It starts with Freedom of Speech being suppressed...Not Conforming to Outlandish laws...Loss of Religious Freedom....Homes being Raided...
True, but this Pandemic has instilled Fear in the People making them more easy to conform. It has taken the fight out of the people as they quickly without hardly any resistance retrieved to their homes and conformed. I think what pisses me off the most is most don't even realize their total indirect disrespect for all those who lost their life's fighting for our Freedom and fighting Against this very thing we all know as Communism. Well the older generation knows, the younger generation has no clue what is going on and so freely are willing to give up their/our Freedom these days. This is Extremely Sad and Disturbing...Firearm sales will continue to be at record levels for good reason. Govt realizing this threat is likely to impose new restrictions for “safety” reasons. Govt will declare an emergency and do whatever they want to exercise even more control.
The “pandemic” is the least of my concerns.
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If this doesnt get your blood boiling.. yanking people out of their homes...
I'm probably one of the biggest supporters of LE you'll find without a badge, but frankly if you're LE and willing to go along with this.. well, lets just say we're probably no longer on the same team.
Someone's going to get hurt if this continues..
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to
Police Show Up to Home in Quebec After Neighbor Snitches on Residents For "Illegally Gathering" - Drags Man Out by His Neck (VIDEO)
COVID vaccines "might not" work as well on South African strain, scientists warn
Scientists are optimistic that existing vaccines could be adapted, and they expect trial data soon to help determine whether the new variant really is
The Fake Rescue
Biden will issue national standards, like the plexiglass barriers in restaurants he spoke about during the debate, and pressure governors to implement mask mandatesusing the federal government’s financial leverage (NOTE: his 100-day mask-wearing 'mandate' is already in play).
Some hack at the CDC or FDA will issue new guidance lowering the Ct the labs use, and cases will magically start to fall.
In reality, the change will only eliminate false positives, but most Americans won’t know that.
Good old Uncle Joe will be the hero, even though it is Deep-State actors in the health bureaucracies who won’t solve a problem with testing they have been aware of for months. TDS is a heck of a drug.
Is this real? I was searching on the cdc site and cannot find it. I have been waiting for total death numbers to be released.Covid has definitely made the death rate soar! Here are the numbers... WAIT?!? This can't be right??? /s
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I'll stick my neck out and say I don't believe the table in post 6,537. The obvious reason is that there's no way that the raw data from December has fully propagated into the national overall count. I looked into a similar YTD dreaths table that was roaming around the Internet a few months ago. I spent a couple of hours digging out the government supplied state-by-state YTD deaths, and what I found was the data from the latest month was very incomplete. About 10 states hadn't reported in yet, contributing zero deaths to the count. Whoever made up the "smoking gun, no excess deaths" table used the incomplete data from the latest month in the table to "prove" no excess deaths.I didn't do the numbers, but the guy that posted it seems to be one of those kind of people that are anal about doing so.