Interesting that 40% of heath care workers are not taking the vaccine. Why ?
My wife and I are over 70 with no heath problems, We will not be getting the vaccine, I am not a a test subject for big pharma
Early data on why health care workers are delaying the Covid-19 vaccine could help us end the pandemic sooner.
So same here, except for a few minor health issues, the wife and I are pretty much in lockdown anyway with very, very little contact with anyone, I think our dogs have a better social life than we do, they have dog friends on all sides of our fencing

Anyway, since almost half of my meds have class action suits (some cancer related) against the same companies who developing these vaccines we will not be rushing out to be first in line for their vaccines, plus with the possibility of 5 different types of vaccines coming available it only adds more to the confusion of which one to trust. Our trust was pretty low prior to this Pandemic and the Election, now it is actually in the negatives below zero...
Not sure why people think the vaccine is a cure, or it sure is being promoted as such, being vaccinated helps your immune system fight off the disease but it does not stop you from infecting someone else, that is if you get Covid, grant it would be a small window of time but this is no cure. The cure is your body's immune system, Thank You Jesus, we all have different immune systems (Armies), some protect better than others. I know this is how one would explain this to a child but it works for this under educated old guy

I/we see vaccines as a early warning system for our bodies, "The Enemy is coming and this is what they look like" We understand and see no problem in this medical
practice, but the problem we see with this vaccine is the rush factor, the lack of long term testing, the companies history of greed, etc., all red flags for us.
Not saying we won't eventually take the vaccine, looks like we will be forced to so if you want to travel (fly), which we are hopeful that we can one day resume our vacations again, bar no future Pandemic consume us. We don't have many years left anyway, so any long term issues would probably not be an issue with us.