Known around here
Let me be clear I have no scientific proof, only the series of coincidental events and suspicion. I plan on getting the J&J one shot myself. I'll update the other post with details.
Tuesday mom, 83 going on 30, very active, completely self reliant, though on a pacemaker since 2010, gets her 2nd shot
Tuesday mom, 83 going on 30, very active, completely self reliant, though on a pacemaker since 2010, gets her 2nd shot
- Wednesday just a small headache
- Thursday-Sat- chills, headache, muscle pain, and very tired. "normal" vaccine effects for many
- Sunday I see her noon-3pm and she's fine except a knot where her neck meets her back, painful. I get her to take a tylenol. We agree to call doc in morning. She had previous experience with this knot/neck pain but many years ago and doc thought bursitis?
- Monday I talk to her briefly at 10am-ish and shes waiting on doc to call back. 6pm I cant raise her, call neighbor to check, finds her on floor with obvious stroke.
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