Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

Let me be clear I have no scientific proof, only the series of coincidental events and suspicion. I plan on getting the J&J one shot myself. I'll update the other post with details.

Tuesday mom, 83 going on 30, very active, completely self reliant, though on a pacemaker since 2010, gets her 2nd shot
  • Wednesday just a small headache
  • Thursday-Sat- chills, headache, muscle pain, and very tired. "normal" vaccine effects for many
  • Sunday I see her noon-3pm and she's fine except a knot where her neck meets her back, painful. I get her to take a tylenol. We agree to call doc in morning. She had previous experience with this knot/neck pain but many years ago and doc thought bursitis?
  • Monday I talk to her briefly at 10am-ish and shes waiting on doc to call back. 6pm I cant raise her, call neighbor to check, finds her on floor with obvious stroke.
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What is really interesting to note is that to get the Moderna shot to be more or so equally effective as the Pfizer, 100 micrograms is required for each dose compared to Pfizer's 30 micrograms for each dose. People are literally vaccine shopping, they have their own preferences, when in the real world setting, any "proven" vaccine will be okay for a typical healthy individual. However, who wants a big dose to begin with? Just sounds like a higher chance of side effects to occur.

I had both Moderna shots and was a little more tired than usual the next day and my arm was a little bit sore. Otherwise fine.
FYI -Viamin-D resources, best I have seen so far...

Short version:
By MedCram

Vitamin D covered well in the following websites and youtube channels:
( most of these youtube channels have been censored at times by youtube for being ahead of the WHO / CDC on this pandemic )

Dr John Campbell
( recent vitamin-D video )

( recent vitamin-D video )

( recent 1 hr video on Vitamin D here: )

Doctor Mike Hansen
( recent video on vitamin-D )

Peak Prosperity
( Oct video on Vitamin-D "Vitamin D Reduces Mortality Risk by -89%" )




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Such a BS'er

Once they think the cameras have stopped the masks come off

Can't stand this POS, typical Gov Tax Payer $$$ Leach. Not to mention he has a ego bigger then the moon.

I got both shots from Pfizer. Arms sore as hell for 4 days, nothing else. Wife gets her second one today. No affects from the first one.
After a year of being home we decided to let our 8 year old daughter go back to school for the last semester. She absolutely loves school. She hasn't been sick NOT ONE DAY in that entire year. The school year that covid hit (2019-2020), she caught strep throat 2 times and the worms twice as well. After being back to school for ONE WEEK (3 days total), we thought she had strep again. NOPE....positive for COVID. Even the doctors were surprised. So far her symptoms have been light and she is taking it with a grain of salt. Sunday, she had a high fever and sore throat. Yesterday, just a sore throat all day. I am the only one allowed to be near her as I completed my Pfizer vaccine over a month ago. My 12 year old has not caught it yet (knocking on wood) and my wife received her 2nd Pfizer vaccine yesterday. We will see how well this vaccine actually is. One year of zero ailments or Be safe out there.
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I'll get my 2nd Pfizer at the VA next week.

Hmmmm...."Pfizer"....let's hope that the Pfabulous Pfizer Pfurnishes Pfantatsic Pharmaceuticals without a pfunny "Pfffttttt." :highfive:
So, many I know who got the second shot got sick, some only a day, one almost a week. Nothing serious just cold like symptoms, but just FYI...Seems to be common from what I have been told...
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Such a BS'er
Once they think the cameras have stopped the masks come off
Reminds me of a bantam rooster......hand on hip..."little big man".....more like a little fish in a BIG pond, IMO. :cool: