Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

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Brief discussion on origin of virus:
Dr. John Campbell reviews a news statement by Jamie Metzl


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Thursday Update
Apr 1, 2021
Walks like a duck, talks like a duck, and yet WHO and the self important Dr Fraud Fauci want me to believe it’s a rhinoceros... and a lot of folks believe them..

Face it, over 50% of the population is just fucking stupid
Let me see your papers...

A Step-By-Step Look At How COVID Passport Propaganda Works | ZeroHedge

With reports that President Joe Biden’s administration is planning for imposing a vaccine passport mandate in America, expect to see in the media a deluge of vaccine passport propaganda. What will that propaganda look like? A template illustrating several elements you can expect to see in the propaganda push was provided several weeks ago in a CNN interview.
Students At Florida High School Warned They Will Be "Re-Educated" If Caught Not Wearing A Mask | ZeroHedge

An advisory posted on the school’s website regarding face mask policy tells students, teachers, staff and any visitors that masks are mandatory on all school property as well as on school buses.
The section on “noncompliance” then spells out the punishment for anyone caught flouting the rules.

“The wearing of a face covering is a public health issue. Students who do not wear a mask when it is required (or refuse to do so), should first be reeducated on the importance of wearing a mask,” states the advisory.
“If after reeducation occurs, they still do not comply, the student’s administrator should be contacted,” it adds, outlining that parents will also be contacted and the student will be forced to switch to online learning if non-compliance continues.
Looks like every individual is becoming a commodity now. Where's my barcode at?! :rofl:

Just an update on my little girl with Covid. Seems she is just about over it now. Still has a sore throat, but it is getting better. Very strange how this sore throat is strep but without a fever. No fever for 3.5 days (4.5 if she doesn't have one this morning). Our 12 year old seems OK...hopefully we have kept it from her as well. As for myself and my wife having had the Pfizer vaccine...neither have shown any symptoms at this time. Still not out of the woods though...but looks promising (knocking on wood).
Great news!
Just an update on my little girl with Covid. Seems she is just about over it now. Still has a sore throat, but it is getting better. Very strange how this sore throat is strep but without a fever. No fever for 3.5 days (4.5 if she doesn't have one this morning). Our 12 year old seems OK...hopefully we have kept it from her as well. As for myself and my wife having had the Pfizer vaccine...neither have shown any symptoms at this time. Still not out of the woods though...but looks promising (knocking on wood).
Good News...

Seems most all our family has sore throats, Allergies for some reason, Pollen assuming...I have had one for over a month and a half. Did get negative Covid test while at the Doc getting Meds...(Which did not help me at all). Doc said I had Sinus infections, wife too, we did the steroid/antibiotic thing but did not help us. Cars were covered with Pollen a few weeks ago.
I heard to save money their thinking about brands on the forehead.
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