Thanks to the PlandemicYou're all hillarious.
Thanks to the PlandemicYou're all hillarious.
Dr. John Campbell
Thrombocytopenia has been consistently reported following the administration of adenoviral gene transfer vectors
Dr. John Campbell
Hello Everyone, My name is John Campbell and I am a retired Nurse Teacher and A and E nurse based in England. I also do some teaching in Asia and Africa
This is why I've been recommending friends, family, and colleagues to opt for mRNA vaccines. Its been almost 50 years in the making, tons of research and development to get this far. mRNA Vaccines are far safer than conventional vaccines even though we don't quite know the long term effects. mRNA vaccines do not have any influence on DNA. The mRNA vaccines simply carry the instructions for making the specific spike (S) protein (non virulent form) so that the body can develop the necessary antibodies "in abundance"
Meanwhile, the J&J and Astrazeneca uses methods that have been used and administered previously....and then what I posted yesterday a study that shows that the numbers show that the bloodclot risk with mRNA (4 per 1 million) is actually higher than the J&J (1 in 1million)....yet we never saw a pause for the mRNA..
Hey, if you're not intelligent enough to listen to scientists instead of youtube experts, hope you're not going to complain when you either die or require advanced healthcare... or someone you love gets covid.Thanks to the Plandemic
Hahahahahahahahaha, thank you for my morning laugh....Intelligence, Hahahaha, too funny. Pretty sure I won't be complaining when I dead, LOL. Actually we have had several in our family get Covid, two are in their 70s who join the other 99.7% Survivors in the world...Hey, if you're not intelligent enough to listen to scientists instead of youtube experts, hope you're not going to complain when you either die or require advanced healthcare... or someone you love gets covid.
Maybe it's an American thing? I haven't seen a lot of intelligence out there....
Hey, if you're not intelligent enough to listen to scientists instead of youtube experts, hope you're not going to complain when you either die or require advanced healthcare... or someone you love gets covid.
Maybe it's an American thing? I haven't seen a lot of intelligence out there....
Do you mean the scientists who said there was no need to wear a mask until there was a need to wear a mask? Or the ones who said to disinfect surfaces until it wasn't necessary to disinfect surfaces? Or the ones who said the shot provides 100% protection from death from covid until deaths started happening? Yet somebody who doesn't want to take a shot that hasn't gone through the normal regulatory process and has unknown long term effects has no intelligence? Some of these no intelligence people even have a few brain cells that remember Thalidomide .Hey, if you're not intelligent enough to listen to scientists instead of youtube experts, hope you're not going to complain when you either die or require advanced healthcare... or someone you love gets covid.
Maybe it's an American thing? I haven't seen a lot of intelligence out there....
Amen brother, well said...Keep in mind, Socialist are use to just excepting what is thrown their way with out questioning validity.Here's what looks like a scientific study that I interpret as saying masks do more harm than good. Facemasks in the COVID-19 era: A health hypothesis
Not personally having any technical knowledge of the subject, how am I supposed to know what to believe when different scientists tell me opposite things? Or is this a bogus study disguised as science? Is it ok that it's not from youtube? Here in the USA we know that covid is used as a major political weapon, the government routinely lies to us, and the mainstream press routinely lies to us. What I view as a lack of intelligence is believing what we're told from government agencies or the press without seeking out and considering alternative views.