The bottom right corner almost read as Ben Carson

They're the two that don't mess with your DNA, just in case that might have anything to do with it. I view these decisions as political, not as following the science.First AstraZeneca, then J&J, is anyone perplexed by this?
Mississippi Man Described as ‘Young and Healthy’ Suffers Debilitating Stroke Immediately After COVID Vaccine - Big League Politics
A Mississippi family is demanding answers after 43-year-old Brad Malagerie suffered a mysterious stroke just hours after receiving the
I would imagine so but I haven't really gotten into this vaccine stuff very deeply.I’m no scientist and haven’t stayed at a Holiday Inn in a while, but aren’t all 3 essentially the same core technology?
First AstraZeneca, then J&J, is anyone perplexed by this?
I’m no scientist and haven’t stayed at a Holiday Inn in a while, but aren’t all 3 essentially the same core technology?
Hi @Arjun
This is why the mRNA vaccines are better.. they just produce the spike proteins separately, that is not attached to a crown... ( well the sphere ) - this way clots are a reduced issue.
If you are young enough, your odds vs Covid-19 are very good.
Except if you believe this article, the bloodclot risk with mRNA (4 per 1 million) is actually higher than the J&J (1 in 1million)....yet we never saw a pause for the mRNA that we all know Fauci had his hands into: "This messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine, which is part of a new approach to vaccination, was co-developed by NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)."
Blood clots as prevalent with Pfizer and Moderna vaccine as with AstraZeneca's: study
A study by Oxford University found the number of people who receive blood clots after getting vaccinated with a coronavirus vaccine are about the same
Tony Fauci – NIH Director's Blog
GIVE ME BACK MY FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Times 7 Billion People...Possibly Yearly...Someone is getting Rich...Has anyone heard what a dose of these vaccines cost? Just answered my own question. The Pfizer is $19.50 per dose, $39 for the treatment. Moderna is $27-$39 per dose, $54-$78 for the treatment. Why they have a price range beats me. Astra-Zeneca is $3 to $4 per dose, $6 to $8 for the treatment. J&J is $10 dose/treatment. Not as pricey as I expected. Source for the pricing is Motley Fool.