Known around here
The rats are scrambling...
That is quite the article. Its take on potential dangers of the vaccines and regarding infertilityOpinion
...But with plenty of scientific citations
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to
I'm all for him paying the American people back all the money we have paid him to date.
I'm all for him paying the American people back all the money we have paid him to date.
If I did this right, I am terrible at Math, so about 25% difference...California county cuts death toll after finding fatalities ‘clearly not’ caused by COVID-19
Alameda County on Friday issued a corrected death toll that puts the total number of fatalities at 1,223, significantly down from its previous count of 1,634.
“Alameda County previously included any person who died while infected with the virus in the total COVID-19 deaths for the County,” health officials said in a statement.
“Aligning with the State’s definition will require Alameda County to report as COVID-19 deaths only those people who died as a direct result of COVID-19, with COVID-19 as a contributing cause of death, or in whom death caused by COVID-19 could not be ruled out.”
That last phrase I italicized means to me that they're still overcounting with the new procedure.
I think they are getting desperate for a cure. Wife just read an article about Memory loss from processed foods...She had to throw cheese in there, one of my favorite go to...![]()
FDA approves much-debated Alzheimer’s drug panned by experts
Government health officials have approved the first drug that they say may help slow Alzheimer’s
Apparently, like the CDC, corruption has taken over the FDA also...