Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

Russell is starting understand things. And since he leans left will reach some of the imbeciles.

Funny how we have known this since last year, thanks to those "Conservative Sites" seeking the Truth. The Left is a bit slow in learning the Truth...
The push for everyone to get Vaccinated (The Jab) is a race in time in light of this Data getting out to the public, which is kind of ironic since the data is freely available on the CDC's site yet no one goes there to verify if what they are being told by MSM and our Gov't officials is true...
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The push for everyone to get Vaccinated (The Jab) is a race in time in light of this Data getting out to the public, which is kind of ironic since the data is freely available on the CDC's site yet no one goes there to verify if what they are being told by MSM and our Gov't officials is true...
This is so true and so sad. A friend of mine, very smart, conservative, financial analyst who rails against leftist economic theories, not just a rhino, keeps encouraging folks to get vaccinated. His last rant parroted the 90% unvaccinated in hospitals claim. You know, the one published in August/September that only counted cases from January through June. This guy could have easily found that information on his own, but he chose not to. When confronted about it, he quietly faded back. It is just shocking to me how many people can't/won't do a tiny amount of research on their own to figure out that governments are run by and for large corporations, not for the people.

Corruption? Hold my beer.- Joe Biden
Rack up another win for Big Pharma: Their new anti-COVID drugs do what Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine already do -- effectively treat COVID

Big Pharma is celebrating. Merck has released "phenomenal" test results for its experimental pill for treating COVID. The drug is said to greatly reduce the risk of hospitalization and death from the Wuhan virus. In this regard, Merck has beaten Pfizer, which is also deep in developing a medicine to treat COVID. And to be perfectly clear, both Merck and Pfizer drugs are not intended to prevent COVID. They treat it.

And since the Merck drug is said to be significantly different from Pfizer's, it means, according to many experts, there is a strong likelihood of creating a cocktail of anti-viral treatments for the Wuhan virus. This is indeed good news... except for one thing.

If the first-hand experience of many front-line doctors is to believed, these new anti-COVID drugs do what Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine already do -- effectively treat COVID. Led by Big Pharma, the medical establishment has denigrated Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as "not approved for COVID treatment." These drugs have been driven into the shadows and mocked from highly credentialed medical people to airhead celebrities to the ill-informed neighbor living next door.

Here's a cynic's view of the situation. The reason for the jihad against Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine was not the health of the public. It's that both these drugs are low-cost generics. Their use would not garner large profits for Big Pharma. But the new Merck and Pfizer drug will surely cost a pretty penny. Why? It's to capture their R&D costs which the accountants at Big Pharma are well experienced in bloating. And even if some decree by one of the alphabet health agencies in Washington says the Merck and Pfizer drugs should be made available to the public at low cost or for free, the true cost will be eventually be absorbed by Uncle Sam

Rack up another win for Big Pharma - American Thinker

And here

Months before the first official reports of a novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China, officials in Hubei Province placed a massive order for PCR tests, according to Nikkei, citing a report from researchers - including former intelligence officers - in the U.S., the U.K. and Australia.

Records from a website aggregating public sector procurement contracts reveal that approximately 67.4 million yuan (US$10.5 million at current rates) was spent on the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests starting in May 2019 - nearly double the 2018 total.
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Veritas Records Pfizer Scientists: "Your Antibodies Probably Better Than Vax" After Infection | ZeroHedge

Three Pfizer scientists were caught on undercover mic by whistleblower organization Project Veritas - all three of whom suggested that natural antibodies produced following a Covid-19 infection are superior to the vaccine.

I love Project Veritas and despise the media. It's disappointing when they have these bombshell reports and then we get nothing but silence from the media.
Veritas Records Pfizer Scientists: "Your Antibodies Probably Better Than Vax" After Infection | ZeroHedge

Three Pfizer scientists were caught on undercover mic by whistleblower organization Project Veritas - all three of whom suggested that natural antibodies produced following a Covid-19 infection are superior to the vaccine.
I am guessing the lady's doing the interviews are Knockouts...These guys are like Melted Butter LOL. When the one guy asked if she was wearing a wire and she said you want to check?, haha
Truth (documented real no shit data) is beginning to trickle out, even left wing nut jobs can’t hide it forever.

At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases
in the last 7 days (Fig. 1). In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people.

The sole reliance on vaccination as a primary strategy to mitigate COVID-19 and its adverse consequences needs to be re-examined, especially considering the Delta (B.1.617.2) variant and the likelihood of future variants. Other pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions may need to be put in place alongside increasing vaccination rates. Such course correction, especially with regards to the policy narrative, becomes paramount with emerging scientific evidence on real world effectiveness of the vaccines.
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