Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

Get jabbed, its good for you, it generates a whole lot of mixed thoughts, makes you want to fly, fly into the night sky :rofl: This is not an advertisement
Gave me the feeling that I was in paradise, Ariana Grande anyone? Biden?

What the hell did I just watch??
View attachment 111591

"You wanted to make money over the interest of public safety." Uh...yeah. The state sure isn't going to pay the bills at a business while we sit at home twiddling our thumbs. I classify a bar as an "essential business". People need to take the edge off before they drag a corrupt judge from his bench. If the Karens didn't like it, then they should stay at home, hide behind their worthless paper mask, sit and cry on the couch while watching CNN announce the release of the name of the new fake virus strain this week. Gawd forbid the boogie bug bites you.
This is what I’m the most concerned about, insurance providers dropping coverage.
Personally, I’d take a bullet before I take the experimental shot, but my wife would cave.

I’ve worked way too hard and have been very blessed with everything I have. I feel it is due time to be proactive and getting my ducks in line and start talking to my accountant and attorney to start getting everything in line.

I’m 38, the only debt I ever carried was my house, and I’m hoping to have that paid off by the time I’m 40. If something happens medically where I can’t cover my bills and will need to file bankruptcy, I need to get things in line where I don’t loose everything.
Good for you, so rare now a days since so many are in major debt, like our Gov't. To have a house paid off by 40 is Great...I was in my late 40s when we paid our house off, sold it and bought another house with cash in 2012, way before the insane prices went up. We are debt free too, that is house, vehicles. We pay our Credit Card in full each month. We feel if you don't have the money to pay for something you don't need it unless it is an emergency. We got tired of making the Rich Richer...
This was the first line in this thread back in Jan 26, 2020.

I really did not think much of it at the time. Looking back on it, OMG!

I could never have predicted all of the shit storm that has happened. If you told me that we would be where we are today, I would have thought you are crazy. I just can't believe that it all happened so fast. And now all of these mandates and laws giving a surcharge if you are not vaxed, loosing your health insurance if you are not vaxed, loosing your job if you are not vaxed. The AU states building camps and forcing unvaxed to stay there. Allowing multitudes to cross our southern boarder unchecked and untested but if you are a citizen then all of the shit you need to do for COVID.

The shortages and the crime. The gov't pitting citizens against one another. The lying and cheating and coverups. The MSM covering for the gov't and totally hiding anything that does not fit their agenda.
What Chapter are we now in the book "1984"?

What the hell did I just watch??
Some of Arjun's Video post I treat like MSM in that some things you can't erase from your mind and you have to pick up your jaw from the ground :) Haha
This was the first line in this thread back in Jan 26, 2020.

I really did not think much of it at the time. Looking back on it, OMG!

I could never have predicted all of the shit storm that has happened. If you told me that we would be where we are today, I would have thought you are crazy. I just can't believe that it all happened so fast. And now all of these mandates and laws giving a surcharge if you are not vaxed, loosing your health insurance if you are not vaxed, loosing your job if you are not vaxed. The AU states building camps and forcing unvaxed to stay there. Allowing multitudes to cross our southern boarder unchecked and untested but if you are a citizen then all of the shit you need to do for COVID.

The shortages and the crime. The gov't pitting citizens against one another. The lying and cheating and coverups. The MSM covering for the gov't and totally hiding anything that does not fit their agenda.

I had to go back and re-read that first few pages of this thread. It is a really cool look back. Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt sprinkled throughout, with an agonizing sense that nobody is getting the full story and the possibility that a giant scam was under way. Wow.
That video is the democrat's dream; this is what they want to proliferate in the country so that they can carry on their larger agenda. They want to keep everyday citizens preoccupied with the most mundane, disgusting, and sickening things and therefore have chosen Ariana Grande to twerk for the 320+ million people population and counting ;)

Some of Arjun's Video post I treat like MSM in that some things you can't erase from your mind and you have to pick up your jaw from the ground :) Haha

Everyone should read up on;

antibody-dependent enhancement


antigenic sin

If nothing else, just to be familiar with the two terms and their relationship to health.

You won't hear anything in the MSM because Trust Science & Fauci=God, vaccine =Good with no downsides is the #1 agenda.


antigenic sin

antigenic sin 2, a little easier to read