Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

^^^ I built a bunker for us all to swelter in :rofl: jk

December 11, 2021

Doctor's Orders


Dear Patriots,

Do you have faith in your doctor? Does he or she have your best interest in mind when they make decisions about your health? Maybe they do.

However, since Covid-CCP we are seeing that many doctors are being coerced into acting as puppets for hospital corporations and Big Pharma.

Defending The Republic has produced a documentary, Doctors Orders, on Covid-CCP issues. We have talked to honest, ethical doctors, scientists, patients and pharmacists who have gone back with us to the beginning of Covid hysteria.

They explain, with personal stories, how our medical system has failed us and continues to fail us - not to mention the failure of almost all media and the government.

This documentary is eye-opening. It's encouraging. It's hopeful.

There are simple, proven and inexpensive cures for Covid-CCP. It is immensely treatable. But the truth is:

It is up to you to understand the science and advocate for yourself and your loved ones. You can NOT depend on your doctors to help you.

You will learn in this documentary the real science and how to protect your health. Many of our freedoms in America depend on you studying this information and acting on it.

Ultimately, we must educate ourselves and take responsibility for doing all we can to stay healthy, take vitamins, exercise, stay informed, and stand up for our rights.

We at will do all we can to help you.

We ask that you watch so that you know the truth. And, as always, share the documentary with your family and friends.

Watch Doctor's Orders.

Hold Fast,
Defending The Republic


Regardless of who wins any election, in order to have confidence in the outcome, we must continue to demand (1) real paper ballots, (2) hand counted in a bipartisan transparent process, and (3) citizen voter ID.

Support our efforts here.

NOTE: Defending The Republic, Inc. is a §501(c)(4) non-profit organization, gifts to which are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.

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This email was sent by Defending The Republic, located at 2911 Turtle Creek - Suite 300; Dallas, Texas 75219 (United States).
Do you have faith in your doctor? Does he or she have your best interest in mind when they make decisions about your health? Maybe they do.

However, since Covid-CCP we are seeing that many doctors are being coerced into acting as puppets for hospital corporations and Big Pharma.

Defending The Republic has produced a documentary, Doctors Orders, on Covid-CCP issues. We have talked to honest, ethical doctors, scientists, patients and pharmacists who have gone back with us to the beginning of Covid hysteria.

They explain, with personal stories, how our medical system has failed us and continues to fail us - not to mention the failure of almost all media and the government.

This documentary is eye-opening. It's encouraging. It's hopeful.

There are simple, proven and inexpensive cures for Covid-CCP. It is immensely treatable. But the truth is:

It is up to you to understand the science and advocate for yourself and your loved ones. You can

Watch Doctor's Orders.

I wish they did a secular version of this for non believers, or those that in many way have been indoctrinated by the secular world view. You try and show this to the typical non believing leftist, and the first time they hear a doctor say “God”, they would probably stop watching it.
British study finds jabbed likely at higher risk of mortality, Japanese study says the young at 7 times greater risk to shot than COVID-19

WASHINGTON — Two studies from overseas released this month contradict the mainstream narrative that the COVID-19 jabs are “safe and effective.”

A study from the Queen Mary University in London (QMUL) showed that the U.K.’s data is misclassifying individuals who die within 14 days of being jabbed as “unvaccinated” creating an anomaly. It concluded that it’s “massively exaggerated” to call the shots effective under World Health Organization (WHO) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) definitions, and people who submit to the experiment are an “increased mortality” risk.
The study used data from the U.K.’s Office for National Statistics (ONS). The abstract states:

“The risk/benefit of Covid vaccines is arguably most accurately measured by an all-cause mortality rate comparison of vaccinated against unvaccinated, since it not only avoids most confounders relating to case definition but also fulfills the WHO/CDC definition of ‘vaccine effectiveness’ for mortality. We examine the latest UK ONS vaccine mortality surveillance report which provides the necessary information to monitor this crucial comparison over time. At first glance the ONS data suggest that, in each of the older age groups, all-cause mortality is lower in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. Despite this apparent evidence to support vaccine effectiveness-at least for the older age groups-on closer inspection of this data, this conclusion is cast into doubt because of a range of fundamental inconsistencies and anomalies in the data. Whatever the explanations for the observed data, it is clear that it is both unreliable and misleading. While socio-demographical and behavioral differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated have been proposed as possible explanations, there is no evidence to support any of these. By Occam’s razor we believe the most likely explanations are systemic mis-categorization of deaths between the different categories of unvaccinated and vaccinated; delayed or non-reporting of vaccinations; systemic underestimation...

More at the link: British study finds jabbed likely at higher risk of mortality, Japanese study says the young at 7 times greater risk to shot than COVID-19 - The Liberty Loft
More very painful news coming out of the Great White North:

Chief Nerd, [12.12.21 05:01]
[ Video ]

Ontario MPP Rick Nicholls: “I shed tears of sorrow. In the Waterloo area, 86 stillbirths have occurred from Jan to July. Normally it’s roughly 1 stillbirth every 2 months. But here’s the kicker, mothers of stillbirth babies were fully vaccinated.”

More very painful news coming out of the Great White North:

Chief Nerd, [12.12.21 05:01]
[ Video ]

Ontario MPP Rick Nicholls: “I shed tears of sorrow. In the Waterloo area, 86 stillbirths have occurred from Jan to July. Normally it’s roughly 1 stillbirth every 2 months. But here’s the kicker, mothers of stillbirth babies were fully vaccinated.”
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How to tell right from wrong and wrong from right. Looks the whole Earth is wrong; it’s round, not flat right?