Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

Look if you have underlying conditions, consult with your PCP first.

This may just become a recurring theme. Your next flu shot may be a hybrid shot (COVID-19 + Flu Shot AIO)

The idea of DNA damage is a way to make you contemplate when on the contrary, these spike proteins are short lived. Stories of stillbirths are likely being promoted by the anti-vaxxed people. The internet is full of wonderful bullshit and that includes the MSM. Sure, many employers likely don't care about the long term well being of their employees but if they as well as state guidelines begin to implement a requirement for us to be jabbed, they all are held equally accountable. The vaccines we got in our childhood haven't changed who we are genetically-speaking.

So it goes again, its at your own discretion :rofl:
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We’ll that escalated quickly

Grim new figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have predicted that US COVID-19 deaths will soar by 73 per cent to 15,600 a week by January 8, and that cases will rocket to 1.3 million a week by Christmas Day