Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

How many of the "deadly" Viruses have come out of "CHINA" The country as a whole has caused so much pain and death in the world.
What happens when or "if" we get over this what will be the next Deadly thing to come out of China with their dirty habbits.

We have a good friend here named @EMPIRETECANDY who lives in China asshole.
Whereas he could have phrased it better and also been more careful to blame a very small certain section of the population rather than the nation as a whole, it is true to say the problem is the Chinese wet markets although it should be noted that these also exist in central America, so this is not a Chinese problem alone. Wet markets, irrespective of their host country are a breading round for viruses to meet in species that would never normally ever be found together in the world, enabling new viruses to be created and potentially creating pandemics. Both Mers and Sars were thought to have been created this way:

I haven't got time to re-watch this atm, but I think this is the documentary I watched on the subject. Very interesting and worrying at the same especially as these markets are not only the source of the current pandemic, but also slated as the source of future ones as well. Unfortately, as you'll see from the documentary, these markets are still functioning despite the current worldwide viral issue:

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Whereas he could have phrased it better and also been more careful to blame a very small certain section of the population rather than the nation as a whole, it is true to say the problem is the Chinese wet markets although it should be noted that these also exist in central America, so this is not a Chinese problem alone. Wet markets, irrespective of their host country are a breading round for viruses to meet in species that would never normally ever be found together in the world, enabling new viruses to be created and potentially creating pandemics. Both Mers and Sars were thought to have been created this way:

I haven't got time to re-watch this atm, but I think this is the documentary I watched on the subject. Very interesting and worrying at the same especially as these markets are not only the source of the current pandemic, but also slated as the source of future ones as well. Unfortately, as you'll see from the documentary, these markets are still functioning despite the current worldwide viral issue:

Just watched this and I thought to myself how true and real it is. It's so scary when one of the top scientists in this field warns what will probably happen but yet again I see people going about their daily duties like nothing is happening. This is serious shit we are seeing at the moment and is going to get much worse before it gets better here in the UK and I am hoping and praying for the older generation which I think is getting left behind here in the UK.

I think more UK resources should be thrown towards the older generation here as it was them who has built the country up to what it is today so we MUST look after them no matter what is happening.

The authorities MUST be seen to do more in regards to these so called markets, slaughter houses or the whole World will suffer even more devastation that we are facing right now.
We have a good friend here named @EMPIRETECANDY who lives in China asshole.
It's fine, we can't stop other people's opinion, China is the original place for this virus, and most countries stop their border to China in early Feb. The virus out off control in Italy, and Italy make no good controlling and spread this all over the Europe and the world. China right now have around 120 infection from Italy, the Chinese students, workers all fly back. Who want to be infected with this bad virus?
China now sending medical teams to Europe now to help them, i think not too asshole :D 2 Weeks later, good things will happen after everyone is watching on this virus. Work and life still need to go on, No need to be too worried. We met too much urgent last month, but right now all back to normal.
Because it was China where this Virus originated from and all the pain and suffering they have caused also what they eat shit "literally" - Sheeps penis,chickens testicles stinky tofu and anything else that walks, crawls, flies, swims, slithers or grows or slaughtered.
This is not good Andrew, They are US people now, the US can accpet the Chinese to live and work there, you can't bear with it? What they eat is none of your business.
Not all chinese like eat the items you talked, like not all people like you in such dark. This topic is for talking about how to anti the virus not spreading racist words, and only when you come here things changed.
This is not good Andrew, They are US people now, the US can accpet the Chinese to live and work there, you can't bear with it? What they eat is none of your business.
Not all chinese like eat the items you talked, like not all people like you in such dark. This topic is for talking about how to anti the virus not spreading racist words, and only when you come here things changed.

Wrong Andy you have also been brainwashed by your government it is you who is more so in the so called Dark. You are also so wrong as in it is everything to do with me when it involves me and my family who are been put at risk especially my parents who are in the high category risk.

It was your country who brought on all this pain and suffering to the world and it should be your country who is held at full responsibility.

Not sure if you have read the threads title "Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?" and not sure if you understand but this is an Open Forum where people voice their own opinions not just yours.

In regards to Racist comments please show me where I have been racist.

Your post below is also POOR and shows how immature you really are and your reaction score is mainly achieved from being a seller/vendor nothing to do with a normal forum member. A lot of people on here will always agree with you Andy as you sell cheap CCTV equipment and they don't want to upset you where I don't and won't suck up to anyone it is not my nature I say it as it is like it or not.

What I have noticed is you try to have a pop at me on nearly every thread without success and you will NEVER win BIG BOSS as I WILL always defend myself.

Just for the thread also why you are in a cocky mood I did send you a pm asking you in private this week could we put all our bad history behind us but it is now obvious you are not willing to do this as you couldn't even be arsed to reply to me SAD but your prerogative I suppose.

Anyway spent too much of my time already replying to your childish remarks and name calling I have more serious things to do with my life so best not to reply or quote each others posts again in the future that way we will get on like fire :)
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Pandemic threat is for human being no matter what you are eating or drinking. In your eyes, we Chinese can't use English, because Chinese eat shit "literally" :eek:
Do you know why US is the big boss in the world? It can accept diversity, who care what you are eating?:D
Pandemic threat is for human being no matter what you are eating or drinking. In your eyes, we Chinese can't use English, because Chinese eat shit "literally" :eek:
Do you know why US is the big boss in the world? It can accept diversity, who care what you are eating?:D

OK as above.
Wrong Andy you have also been brainwashed by your government it is you who is more so in the so called Dark. You are also so wrong as in it is everything to do with me when it involves me and my family who are been put at risk especially my parents who are in the high category risk.

It was your country who brought on all this pain and suffering to the world and it should be your country who is held at full responsibility.

Not sure if you have read the threads title "Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?" and not sure if you understand but this is an Open Forum where people voice their own opinions not just yours.

In regards to Racist comments please show me where I have been racist.

Your post below is also POOR and shows how immature you really are and your reaction score is mainly achieved from being a seller/vendor nothing to do with a normal forum member. A lot of people on here will always agree with you Andy as you sell cheap CCTV equipment and they don't want to upset you where I don't and won't suck up to anyone it is not my nature I say it as it is like it or not.

What I have noticed is you try to have a pop at me on nearly every thread without success and you will NEVER win BIG BOSS as I WILL always defend myself.

Just for the thread also why you are in a cocky mood I did send you a pm asking you in private this week could we put all our bad history behind us but it is now obvious you are not willing to do this as you couldn't even be arsed to reply to me SAD but your prerogative I suppose.

Anyway spent too much of my time already replying to your childish remarks and name calling I have more serious things to do with my life so best not to reply or quote each others posts again in the future that way we will get on like fire :)

I'm going out on a limb here and make an assumption that you are from the UK?

By your rationale, can all the colonies and countries that England invaded over the years, the millions murdered, seek retribution for our pain and suffering? Or was that just a bit of banter?
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Just winding you guys up...
I just share what I know about this virus in China here, I told guys here to buy some necessary things in Feb, and tell guys how to fight with this virus. It's a dangerous viurs, but if we do some pre-cautions, it's not such crazy. A good mood will help you keep healthy. Better No political here, the Twitter is full of the Chinese virus now, for me i don't care, i just hope all guys here are healthy include you Andrew. Cameras can sell anytime, but life only one time for everyone.
The US and Italy Gov took their nationalities in Early early Feb, the US gov knew this viurs in Jan.8th,Chinese gov told them the details, but for us, we knew this at Jan.19th.
Today China has 10 new infections from overseas, 5 from Spain, 4 from UK, 1 from Brazil. So the Spain and UK is on big spreading now.
Failure to control the virus early in December removed the one opportunity the world had to avoid a pandemic. Instead, those who noticed the new infection were summarily crushed and mass celebration events allowed to occur. This assured world wide spread of the virus.

Re-casting the source nation as helping is not going to work outside of China. Instead, this is a wake up to the world that globalization in the form of labor arbitrage is a 1980's strategy that has overall weakened our world.

Now, we have less than 10 ventilators available in my hospital and we have not even seen the start of the surge.

Picking on Andy isn't helpful. He is not the CCP and has to take care what he posts. You won't see him able to freely post something like...

When we see that, THEN we can believe we are getting reliable, unfiltered disease progress information.
I rely more on reports from europe, australia, NZ, and on the ground first hand knowledge here in Washington state.
The markets are f@#ked. Dow Jones currently at 19,750.00

They should stop trading, stop blaming, stop ranting, and get to deploying containment over this so-called virus.

My avatar says it all.
This is not good Andrew, They are US people now, the US can accpet the Chinese to live and work there, you can't bear with it? What they eat is none of your business.
Not all chinese like eat the items you talked, like not all people like you in such dark. This topic is for talking about how to anti the virus not spreading racist words, and only when you come here things changed.

Andy this person is from Great Britain.