A Host Of Notable COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Events, Backed By Evidence
A Host Of Notable COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Events, Backed By Evidence | ZeroHedge
Original article here
Lots of links to factual information, studies, NIH docs, Pfizer docs....etc, etc
.........Since the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, a significant number of vaccinated people have reported various adverse reactions.
Some adverse events are widely acknowledged, like blood clots and myocarditis. Others are less publicly discussed but are still present in the research literature.
The Epoch Times reviewed the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the United Kingdom’s Yellow Card Reporting system, South Africa’s VAERS database, and numerous peer-reviewed studies, selecting the top reported adverse events with literature support. Their severity determines the order of the events.
......Spike proteins also change the structure of the proteins inside the clot, resulting in amyloid-like blood clots that are much larger and harder to break down.
Multiple studies have shown that spike proteins
directly bind to clotting factors in the blood, promoting both large and
microclot formations.
Depending on where the blood clots form, patients may develop various pathologies related to the clotting.
In early 2023, the FDA and CDC
released a joint statement declaring stroke as a new safety signal in older people who took Pfizer bivalent boosters. However, months later, they
reversed the statement.
A self-controlled case series that followed 32 million British people found that COVID-19 vaccination was associated with a
38 percent increased risk of hemorrhagic stroke, or brain bleeds.
A study published in the
Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Disease followed a woman in her 80s who first had a stroke three days after she took her first COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. She then had a second stroke three days after her second dose.
A statewide study that followed
5 million people living in Georgia found that those who contracted COVID-19 within 21 days of vaccination were at the highest risk of stroke.
Signs and symptoms of stroke include the
inability to understand language (aphasia) and
difficulty speaking (dysarthria), both of which have been reported following COVID-19 vaccination.