I'd go one step further and actually blame THE HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATORS... probably more so than the feds. There are entire departments dedicated to infection control. It is their primary job to make sure the hospital is kept safe and clean. They are to anticipate the needs of staff. Given that this thread started in the third week of January, one has to wonder why the people in those departments weren't aware... Or didn't heed the warnings coming from other nations.
When I saw what was coming - even before starting this thread - I ordered a crap-ton of masks, goggles, gloves, O2 cylinders, O2 generator, every possible fish antibiotic (to ward off secondary infections) and 6 months of food for a family of four. I had most of that ordered by the first week of Feb.
On February 7th I ordered coveralls from bettymills.com - delivered nearly 6 weeks ago.
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The point is stock was plentiful 4-6 weeks ago. At that point, anyone with even a medium level of interest (not distracted by the impeachment charade) could have and should have seen this coming like a freight train. Unfortunately, until the hearings were over, no MSM was covering it. And any that mentioned it, said our risk was nil.
It was a perfect storm of disinterest, apathy, media TDS, and government wanting to avoid panic. But again, those infection control departments at EVERY hospital should have seen right through all of that. It's what they're getting paid to do. They should be drawn and quartered.