Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


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Aug 18, 2018
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David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Have not worn one since vax except where needed to gain entry, like Dr office. Just returned from a 4 week RV trip to WY, MN, WI, MI, and NOLA. Driving through the states from TX all along the way. Stopping at rest areas, campgrounds and truck stops. It was always interesting to see the local requirements RE masks and distancing. While some truck stops had posted signs requiring masks, many folks did not wear them.

At the FMCA rally in Gillette, there were some folks wearing masks. Considering that the average age of folks at the rally (owners of Class A and other RVs) is over 65, most are retired, there were only a small number of people wearing masks in the vendor areas and the session rooms. Even the workers at the fairgrounds were not wearing them. But in other states along the way, some workers in restaurants were wearing them, mostly younger folks.

My wife just came in from outside and commented "I don't understand why some people wear masks in their cars all by themselves".
I am Jealous, sounds like a Great Trip. Bet the weather was great up there, even though a bit hotter than they are used to, but nothing like our heat down here...My wife and I was just talking about maybe we should sell everything and RV it around the U.S. while the Covid Cops chase us all over the country :) We have been once a week driving to small towns and enjoying, No Mask, Real Folk and great cooking...We Love the family owned, non-commercial/franchised restaurants.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Aug 8, 2018
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Spring, Texas
Bet the weather was great up there, even though a bit hotter than they are used to, but nothing like our heat down here...My wife and I was just talking about maybe we should sell everything and RV it around the U.S.
Yes, once we got as far north as Cheyenne, we had the windows open at night. It was in the 50's and low 60's at night up north. Some days it was in the 80-90's, except in Petoskey MI where it never got above 78F the whole time we were there.

In a normal year, we make 4-5 trips of 4-6 weeks at a time. But I would never full time. Before you make that leap, rent one for a few weeks and see if you like it. Then if so, get one and keep your house for at least a year taking longer trips and see if you really can give up the house.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Yes, once we got as far north as Cheyenne, we had the windows open at night. It was in the 50's and low 60's at night up north. Some days it was in the 80-90's, except in Petoskey MI where it never got above 78F the whole time we were there.

In a normal year, we make 4-5 trips of 4-6 weeks at a time. But I would never full time. Before you make that leap, rent one for a few weeks and see if you like it. Then if so, get one and keep your house for at least a year taking longer trips and see if you really can give up the house.
So I grew up where EVERY summer we were camping. My whole childhood was at rivers/lakes/beaches. We started in small tent, then bigger tent, then both tent and truck shell, to cabover on our 69 Ford truck, to several sizes of camping trailers. We stayed everywhere, KOAs a lot, they had a lot for kids to do. My wife lived in Oregon, before it turned in to California :(, so she knows woods and small farm livestock, how to grow food, she is a good End Time Partner :)


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
Oh man that looks fun, now this is living, they probably have a higher chance of a drunk drowning than dying of Covid.

View attachment 96999
id be more concerned about remnants from all the butt cracks mixing in the water with not enough sanitizer:wow:

“Cryptosporidium is just one of the many germs that can live and spread in swimming pool water. Other common water-related causes of diarrhea include Giardia, Shigella, norovirus and E. coli. According to the CDC, there were 444 reported cryptosporidiosis outbreaks from 2009-2017, and the number of outbreaks has increased by approximately 13% each year.

"Cryptosporidium is more resistant to the typical chlorine water treatments that are done to swimming pools to prevent illnesses," explains Dr. Gurram. "Once the water has been contaminated with Cryptosporidium, it can survive for days despite the water being properly treated. That's why there has been such a surge of these infections."”

I’m serious. A telltale sign of unhealthy swimming pool water is that it is not crystal clear. Looking at that water you can see that it’s cloudy
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Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Follow the money…

interesting that they're raising prices, considering that the Pfizer jab hasn't exactly held up to the original promise of its efficacy.

Despite their original promises not to profit off the vaccines until the pandemic had ended, both companies are now seizing the opportunity to hike prices charged to governments like those in the EU.