Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

Zuby wrote...

1/ Most people would rather be in the majority, than be right.
2/ At least 20% of the population has strong authoritarian tendencies, which will emerge under the right conditions.
3/ Fear of death is only rivalled by the fear of social disapproval. The latter could be stronger.
4/ Propaganda is just as effective in the modern day as it was 100 years ago. Access to limitless information has not made the average person any wiser.
5/ Anything and everything can and will be politicized by the media, government, and those who trust them.
6/ Many politicians and large corporations will gladly sacrifice human lives if it is conducive to their political and financial aspirations.
7/ Most people believe the government acts in the best interests of the people. Even many who are vocal critics of the government.
8/ Once they have made up their mind, most people would rather to commit to being wrong, than admit they were wrong.
9/ Humans can be trained and conditioned quickly and relatively easily to significantly alter their behaviors – for better or worse.
10/ When sufficiently frightened, most people will not only accept authoritarianism, but demand it.
11/ People who are dismissed as ‘conspiracy theorists’ are often well researched and simply ahead of the mainstream narrative.
12/ Most people value safety and security more than freedom and liberty, even if said ‘safety’ is merely an illusion.
13/ Hedonic adaptation occurs in both directions, and once inertia sets in, it is difficult to get people back to ‘normal’.

14/ A significant % of people thoroughly enjoy being subjugated.

15/ ‘The Science’ has evolved into a secular pseudo-religion for millions of people in the West. This religion has little to do with science itself.
16/ Most people care more about looking like they are doing the right thing, rather than actually doing the right thing.
17/ Politics, the media, science, and the healthcare industries are all corrupt, to varying degrees. Scientists and doctors can be bought as easily as politicians.
18/ If you make people comfortable enough, they will not revolt. You can keep millions docile as you strip their rights, by giving them money, food, and entertainment.
19/ Modern people are overly complacent and lack vigilance when it comes to defending their own freedoms from government overreach.
20/ It’s easier to fool a person than to convince them that they have been fooled.
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Natural Immunity always wins provided you have no underlying health issues :) Will always favor natural immunity over immunity provided by vaccines / antibodies supplementation. Practice common sense in the public and at home and don't let this virus get in your way. :) You don't have to wear a mask if no one is around you. Got the vaccine this year in the interest of protecting others around me. So far so good, the vaccine is not mandatory ;)
Eating healthy and stayng active outdoors plays a huge role in this. How many kids/parents eat fast food every day, or kraft dinner, weenier's , canned soup, canned alpha getti, wonder bread, pizza pops, soda pops, etc etc etc. The poison the government allows onto the shelfs for people to eat is awful.
Eating healthy and stayng active outdoors plays a huge role in this. How many kids/parents eat fast food every day, or kraft dinner, weenier's , canned soup, canned alpha getti, wonder bread, pizza pops, soda pops, etc etc etc. The poison the government allows onto the shelfs for people to eat is awful.
I fully agree. Processed Foods and GMO's are our downfall...Obesity is one thing in adults, but in our children???
Interesting to note that the therapeutic use of ivermectin to treat covid has been officially endorsed in Japan. In spite of that. any therapeutic treatment involving established, inexpensive, drugs is ridiculed and banned here and in many other countries. Wonder if big pharma and the Marxocrats have anything to do with that?
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Interesting to note that the therapeutic use of ivermectin to treat covid has been officially endorsed in Japan. In spite of that any therapeutic treatment that involves established, inexpensive, drugs is ridiculed and banned here and in many other countries. Wonder if big pharma and the Marxocrats have anything to do with that?
India used it widely during their outbreak, probably why it is short supply.
It bugs me when something just doesn't make sense. Take this one: Duke sets new campus restrictions after surge in COVID cases among vaccinated students

"In the first week of classes, 304 undergraduates, 45 graduate students and 15 employees tested positive for COVID-19. All but eight of these individuals were vaccinated, and the vast majority of them are asymptomatic"

If the "vast majority" of the jabbed cases are asymptomatic, why were they tested in the first place? Duke does not require testing of those who have been jabbed: Unvaccinated individuals must continue to wear masks and participate in regular surveillance testing until further notice. (Public Health Measures - Duke United)

Something is very fishy with this. I find it hard to believe that hundreds of jabbed students decided to get tested on their own. If there are a few hundred without symptoms who got tested for some reason, how many who haven't been tested are carrying covid?
Also in the makes no sense department. From the Oregon rule that healthcare workers be jabbed: COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement for Healthcare Providers and Healthcare Staff in Healthcare Settings

"There is emerging evidence that people infected with the Delta variant have similar viral loads regardless of vaccination status suggesting that even vaccine breakthrough cases may transmit this variant effectively. Being vaccinated, is therefore critical to prevent spread of Delta."

I interpret this statement as saying there's no point to having the jab mandate, yet they somehow interpret it opposite.
I have not done any research on this medicine, that being said;

Must be in response to this;

wow .. the anti-ivermectin squad has hit the main stream media as well as even some of the tech media.

This is really getting crazy, when you expect rational people to actually look closer at the data instead of just jumping on a band wagon.

@Rob2020 - fwiw, the data on Ivermectin is very good as an early treatment.

We have multiple things which help, and numerous studies to back it up.
( healthy diets, sleep, less stress, vitamin-D, vaccinations, ivermectin, steroids, .. etc .. )
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It's funny the whole Ivermectin backlash online is comical. The media has pushed this narrative its for anit-parasite use. OMG these people are idiots its for Horses!!! Apparently now they are doctors.. Do people forget we prescribe medicine in different ways. I've seen birth control used to treat acne. Mood stabilizers for weight loss...

Critical thinking is priceless right now.. Fucking sheep!!!