Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


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Oct 2, 2020
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Not anti-vax, what I don't like is the MSM/Pharma/etc., playing games with numbers, like statistics about vax vs unvac that goes back to January 01. Let's look at numbers that cover a recent time period. Yes, it is recognized, old people, waning vax, lots of reasons.

Here are some numbers not intentionally skewed to look better.

Breakthrough infections rise in Minnesota, but unvaccinated at greatest COVID-19 risk
Hospitals are full and imploring unvaccinated people to seek shots because they suffer more severe COVID-19 cases requiring intensive care.

By Jeremy Olson Star Tribune NOVEMBER 12, 2021 — 3:05PM

Minnesota hospital leaders urge unvaccinated adults and newly eligible children to get the COVID-19 vaccine and adults to seek boosters as recommended.

Breakthrough infections are an increasing part of a prolonged COVID-19 pandemic wave in Minnesota, according to new data released Friday, but people who are unvaccinated still face the biggest risk and take up more hospital beds.

Detailed breakthrough data showed that fully vaccinated Minnesotans made up 197 of the 483 deaths from Sept. 5-Oct. 9 and 1,082 of the 3,492 COVID-19 hospitalizations. While 41% of the COVID-19 deaths in that time frame were among the vaccinated, that is an increase from 29% over the previous four months.

The trend underscores the waning immunity in Minnesotans who received COVID-19 vaccine six or more months ago — with the majority of breakthrough deaths being in the elderly and people with underlying health conditions who were prioritized for the first doses of vaccine.

"It's fair to say we are kind of in a perfect storm moment," said Kris Ehresmann, state infectious disease director. "We have delta as the dominant strain, so that certainly has changed the landscape since we first identified it in Minnesota in June. Then you do have the impact of waning immunity."

Story continues


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Sep 5, 2016
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Not anti-vax, what I don't like is the MSM/Pharma/etc., playing games with numbers, like statistics about vax vs unvac that goes back to January 01. Let's look at numbers that cover a recent time period. Yes, it is recognized, old people, waning vax, lots of reasons.

Here are some numbers not intentionally skewed to look better.

Breakthrough infections rise in Minnesota, but unvaccinated at greatest COVID-19 risk
Hospitals are full and imploring unvaccinated people to seek shots because they suffer more severe COVID-19 cases requiring intensive care.

By Jeremy Olson Star Tribune NOVEMBER 12, 2021 — 3:05PM

Minnesota hospital leaders urge unvaccinated adults and newly eligible children to get the COVID-19 vaccine and adults to seek boosters as recommended.

Breakthrough infections are an increasing part of a prolonged COVID-19 pandemic wave in Minnesota, according to new data released Friday, but people who are unvaccinated still face the biggest risk and take up more hospital beds.

Detailed breakthrough data showed that fully vaccinated Minnesotans made up 197 of the 483 deaths from Sept. 5-Oct. 9 and 1,082 of the 3,492 COVID-19 hospitalizations. While 41% of the COVID-19 deaths in that time frame were among the vaccinated, that is an increase from 29% over the previous four months.

The trend underscores the waning immunity in Minnesotans who received COVID-19 vaccine six or more months ago — with the majority of breakthrough deaths being in the elderly and people with underlying health conditions who were prioritized for the first doses of vaccine.

"It's fair to say we are kind of in a perfect storm moment," said Kris Ehresmann, state infectious disease director. "We have delta as the dominant strain, so that certainly has changed the landscape since we first identified it in Minnesota in June. Then you do have the impact of waning immunity."

Story continues
One-third of the 447 COVID-19 patients admitted to HealthPartners hospitals in Minnesota and western Wisconsin over the past 30 days have been vaccinated. Among the 48 patients who needed ventilators to maintain adequate oxygen intake, only 13 were vaccinated.

My comment:
It wasn’t many months ago we were told breakthrough cases were “rare”. Sure looks like it went from rare to 25-30% pretty quickly.
Aug 3, 2015
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In a 22-page opinion, the court had harsh words for the vaccine mandate. The mandate “threatens to substantially burden the liberty interests of reluctant individual recipients put to a choice between their job(s) and their jab(s),” the court said.


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Sep 5, 2016
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One wouldn't know it by scanning the front pages of say WaPo, NYT or Bloomberg where it wasn't even mentioned, but late on Friday a bad week, month and year for the scrambling Biden administration - which in addition to the recent disaster in Virginia where a public referendum on "wokeness" saw the public overwhelmingly vote down the Democrats' attempt to subvert social norms, is also facing the worst inflationary inferno since Nixon ended the gold standard - after a U.S. appeals court upheld its decision to put on hold Joe Biden's unconstitutional order for companies with 100 workers or more to demand COVID-19 vaccines, rejecting a challenge by his administration.

A three-member panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans affirmed its ruling despite the Biden administration's position that halting implementation of the vaccine mandate could lead to dozens or even hundreds of deaths. No Nov 6, the Fifth Circuit granted a temporary stay on enforcement of the federal mandate, one day after the rule was announced. In its reaffirmation Friday, the court said the mandate "exposes [petitioners] to severe financial risk" and "threatens to decimate their workforces (and business prospects)."

"The mandate is staggeringly overbroad," the opinion said adding that the vaccine mandate "raises serious constitutional concerns" and "likely exceeds the federal government’s authority."


Known around here
Oct 2, 2020
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One-third of the 447 COVID-19 patients admitted to HealthPartners hospitals in Minnesota and western Wisconsin over the past 30 days have been vaccinated. Among the 48 patients who needed ventilators to maintain adequate oxygen intake, only 13 were vaccinated.

My comment:
It wasn’t many months ago we were told breakthrough cases were “rare”. Sure looks like it went from rare to 25-30% pretty quickly.

You just need to know where to look :rolleyes:

NJ needs to teach MN how to lie with stats.

NEW JERSEY — With less than 1 percent of breakthrough COVID-19 cases linked to fully vaccinated New Jersey residents, Gov. Phil Murphy says the vaccine "continues to prove to be highly effective."

Murphy said that just over 5.7 million New Jersey residents are fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Of those residents, there have been 44,955 total breakthrough cases or 0.78 percent linked to the fully vaccinated.

November 9th


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Sep 5, 2016
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Latest Iowa Stats, interesting how the breakthrough rises with age, likely attributed to waning immunity from early shots, poor health in general due to age and other factors, poor immune systems.

View attachment 108257
Good stuff and I appreciate some of your posts with actual data. Again I’m not anti vax, I am all about personal choice in the decision.

The troubling thing about the more recent stats is that practically every one is showing increasing hospitalizations and deaths among the vaxxed. Granted it’s still much lower than the unvaxxed and that has merit.
(“Cases” are meaningless due to the differences in % tested and the unreliability of the test)

But the notable increase in a relatively short time, say last 60 days in particular, is concerning.

And with other therapeutics showing real world and clinical efficacy in the 80% range (ivermectin, monoclonal antibodies, the new pfizermectin to name a few) coupled with the completely ignored adverse reaction numbers that appear to be record setting, I continue to lean towards not getting jabbed.


Known around here
Oct 2, 2020
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Good stuff and I appreciate some of your posts with actual data. Again I’m not anti vax, I am all about personal choice in the decision.

The troubling thing about the more recent stats is that practically every one is showing increasing hospitalizations and deaths among the vaxxed. Granted it’s still much lower than the unvaxxed and that has merit.
(“Cases” are meaningless due to the differences in % tested and the unreliability of the test)

But the notable increase in a relatively short time, say last 60 days in particular, is concerning.

And with other therapeutics showing real world and clinical efficacy in the 80% range (ivermectin, monoclonal antibodies, the new pfizermectin to name a few) coupled with the completely ignored adverse reaction numbers that appear to be record setting, I continue to lean towards not getting jabbed.

Again I’m not anti vax, I am all about personal choice in the decision. <Me too.

I have noticed a trend over the last few months, several States have gone out of their way to hide numbers on the breakthrough, CO, OR, and WA all come to mind. For a short period, they were showing current cases with the vac/unvax breakdown the most recent 14 days, etc, this has all been changed, I am guessing because of politics and to encourage people to get shots.

If you look at some of my old posts from a month or two back in this thread you will find State DOH Information/snips from vax-unvax two week data, etc
Dec 6, 2014
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South Dakota
Again I’m not anti vax, I am all about personal choice in the decision. <Me too.

I have noticed a trend over the last few months, several States have gone out of their way to hide numbers on the breakthrough, CO, OR, and WA all come to mind. For a short period, they were showing current cases with the vac/unvax breakdown the most recent 14 days, etc, this has all been changed, I am guessing because of politics and to encourage people to get shots.

If you look at some of my old posts from a month or two back in this thread you will find State DOH Information/snips from vax-unvax two week data, etc
The UK changed the way they report those breakdowns now too. That is what alerted me to the huge numbers of vaxed people contracting COVID anyway.

When those states do this-- they cast a massive shadow of doubt on anything they say. it is the breeding ground for conspiracy theories when people are asking "Now why did they do that?"


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Only Dr Fraudci is allowed to spread disinformation about his clot shot

COVID wrong-think will not be allowed — even if it’s true.

One more thing: the new COVID-19 antibody testis called SATiN and it uses Luciferase. No, I’m not kidding. Just click here to see for yourself.

Let me repeat that information: the antibody test is called SATiN.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not getting anywhere near this dark stuff. Just listen to how the SATiN test works:
“We basically incubate those three little molecular biological pieces with a prick of blood," Stagljar says. "And if there are antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in the blood, these antibodies will ‘glue’ the three parts of luciferase into a functional molecule that will start shining."
In other words, you need to have COVID-19 antibodies present to make the enzyme glow. When the glow occurs, the researchers can then measure the amount of light emitted with an instrument called a luminometer. The more antibodies a person has, the brighter the luciferase will shine.
Just to be honest, I’ve since seen information that says this is BS


Known around here
Oct 2, 2020
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The UK changed the way they report those breakdowns now too. That is what alerted me to the huge numbers of vaxed people contracting COVID anyway.

When those states do this-- they cast a massive shadow of doubt on anything they say. it is the breeding ground for conspiracy theories when people are asking "Now why did they do that?"

Yes, UK Week 41, 42, 43, reported lots of breakthroughs, then about week 44 or 45 they changed their reporting.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Known around here
Oct 2, 2020
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A little detective work, current numbers from Massachusetts;

58,807 - 54,199 = 4608 breakthrough cases in the period cited, now look the new cases data downloaded, depends on start and end date used, seems to be a significant percent.

I get 8783 (11/01 - 11/05), so 50% + which lines up with the data in Iowa above (for the older population).
