Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


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Sep 5, 2016
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Getting comfortable
Sep 2, 2022
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South Dakota
Hi guys! I'm back around after all the drama, and you should noticed everything has changed.

A little different, but none of the less, should work.
instead of putting back my pandemic response committee, that congress dismantled in 2005, Joe made a office position called "US Pandemic Response Authority" and put my medical advisor to the committee in charge of it.
Which is definitely O.K. with me. I have to laugh though about the mask cult out there, because Paul, the new pandemic guy, was one of the guys that tried to ban the examination mask in the 90s along with my committee.

My little team of senators, I loaded them with questions and attacked the CDC and Anthony, has busted the for gain of function research, which is a violation of the 1972 biological warfare accords, but unfortunately not in time because Joe released more money to that biological research program, and due to some technical reasons, they couldn't recall the money. So unfortunately, we will have another round of the covid flu virus. After 2017, when COVID went extinct, it has been nothing but biological warfare China was making for Pfizer and the WHO.

I understand why they went along with China's "control your population with a virus scare" thing, but all the money scamming that usually crashes the currency in that country, they didn't have to do. They needed to find out how they were removing the markers that are left over from making a virus into biological warfare that attacks mankind. Because the COVID viruses that attack mankind, are extinct, and China made COVID and smallpox this way, which makes it pretty impossible to make a vaccine. The first time they tried making a vaccine from a biological warfare version, they killed 75% who got the shot (in 1912). This time with their new inoculation formulation method, which is technically not a vaccine, 75% side effects from nothing to not working, to death.

So, here we go again. But a little different. Keep in mind, the British Empire is a co-wager and is going to keep on with their propaganda. So if you go off the beaten path with alt media, you will see their lie machine lie, making up stories about fiction virus outbreaks in the US, etc. Ignore it, and go on.


Getting comfortable
Sep 2, 2022
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South Dakota
My boss is all excited he gets to get his SIXTH jab next month!

He's had the WuFlu 4 times so far... :rofl:

And while I was in DC I got to see them chose the worst performer that had the greatest amount of side effects get handed the contract for the booster: Moderna/Bill Gates.

But there is like a 70% chance there will be no booster BTW. We'll see.


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Sep 5, 2016
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Boosted People More Likely Than Unvaccinated To Be Infected: New Study Finds
Boosted People More Likely Than Unvaccinated To Be Infected: New Study Finds | ZeroHedge

Among 96,201 inmates with data on COVID-19 testing and vaccination, researchers identified 2,835 cases.

They found that 1,187 of the cases were among people who had received a bivalent vaccine, versus just 568 cases among the unvaccinated.

The rest were among people who received only monovalent, or old vaccines. That group was excluded from further analysis.

While the population of bivalent recipients was higher than the unvaccinated—36,609 compared to 20,889—the rate of infection was still elevated in the bivalent group owing to nearly double the number of infections, the researchers found.

Infection rates in the group that received bivalent shots was 3.2 percent, over the 2.7 percent in the unvaccinated.

And this if you havent seen the Cleveland Clinic Study showing same
People 'Up to Date' With COVID-19 Vaccines More Likely to Be Infected: Study


Getting comfortable
Sep 2, 2022
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South Dakota
Wouldnt you know it, Mrs bigredfish just returned from a trip and has Covid. I suspect I'll end up with it this week, we'll see. :rolleyes:
Her's doesnt seem too bad and its day 4 of symptoms. More like a bad cold.
Btw, if you are relying on those COVID tests, they will trigger positive on a cold. As most tests created for weaponize medicine event are always geared to have false positives.
The common viral cold is a coronavirus. So its going to test positive on a swab test because its a covid virus.
What people should do is not wear that examination style mask. As it is a bioterrorism weapon to get people sick with RSV, cold, flu, pneumonia, and some will die from them if they wear that mask.
The only reason doctors don't get sick is their air is actively disinfected in their office. But even that, 5% casualties occur from their workforce due to that mask each year.


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Jan 17, 2017
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Sep 5, 2016
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“Asymptomless carrier” claim was FICTION: Unless a person shows symptoms, COVID transmission rarely occurs, reveals Lancet study
“Asymptomless carrier” claim was FICTION: Unless a person shows symptoms, COVID transmission rarely occurs, reveals Lancet study –

One of the world's most prestigious medical journals has published a paper showing that asymptomatic transmission of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is a myth that does not actually exist.

Completely obliterating the "silent spreader" narrative that the establishment used as "evidence" to push universal masking, the new study, which was published in The Lancet's Microbe journal, reveals that people who test "positive" for COVID but do not show any symptoms rarely, if ever, pass the disease on to someone else.

Early "pandemic" studies claimed that up to half of all new cases of the Fauci Flu occurred because someone without symptoms passed it on to someone else without realizing it. We now know that these early studies were false, in some cases purposely so, to push an agenda.

"The early studies led public health authorities to argue that everyone should wear a mask at all times when out in public or crowded places," writes Tom Ozimek for The Epoch Times. "This, in turn, helped drive draconian universal masking policies, including in schools, in a bid to reduce the spread of COVID-19."

"For instance, Dr. Anthony Fauci, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), initially discouraged universal mask-wearing early in the pandemic but later did a U-turn," Ozimek adds, noting that in July 2020 Fauci claimed that he changed his mind because "we didn't realize the extent of asymptomatic spread."

(Related: There was never a time in which COVID "vaccines" stopped disease transmission – the government was lying the entire time.)

If you're not sick, you can't spread COVID

It turns out that Fauci was lying. Something, or someone, convinced him to make an about-face and suddenly rule that all Americans, regardless of symptoms, needed to wear a mask at all times when indoors or when around other people in close proximity.

Now that the entire concept of silent transmission has been debunked with this latest Lancet study, the government has no more legs to stand on in trying to force America into another round of COVID restrictions.

The study was carried out by researchers at Imperial College London, and involved unvaccinated healthy adult participants between the ages of 18 and 30 who were deliberately infected with COVID.