Problem when upgrading 5.3.0

Apr 17, 2015
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Camera model: DS-2CD2732F-IS

I started upgrading my cameras firmwares a day or two ago starting with the English ones and this morning I decided to try and upgrade one of my Chinese cams. The cam successfully upgraded but now I can't log in to it. Getting a language mismatch error. The camera still shows up using SADP and I still have video feed, even from my phone. I just can't get to the login screen. Obviously I shouldn't have used the English file to update it, but I did. Here are a few screenshots:




IPCT Contributor
Oct 3, 2014
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That link won't help on 5.3.0 firmware, changing the firmware flag has to be done another way not just with the firmware.
The best thing is to downgrade 5.1.6 is still the most featured firmware all camera 5.2.3 and below can be done, if your Chinese cams have 5.2.5 stickers use the mtd hack.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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What's the next suggestion?

"Hey, stop wasting time, don't do anymore updates on your Windows, Mac or Linux systems. If you don't see anything broken. Same goes with doing any update for any of your other devices as well. You can thank me later".

Seriously. If a firmware update has been released for your IP Camera. It's best to upgrade your IP Cameras firmware after reviewing what's in that firmware update. While realizing that not all fixes, performance enhancements and changes will always be listed in a firmware updates release notes. Unless you have specific and validated reasons to do otherwise, when possible.

Such as are using a camera with hacked firmware that has not yet been proven to yet be capable of using that new firmware update. Even then. Once it was found to be stable for your IP Camera model. It would be best to update your IP Camera using it. Again, unless you have specific and validated reasons to do otherwise.

At bare minimum. Always review what is in a new firmware update. So that you can make an informed decision based on the facts vs. only using someone else's opinion.

Example: Hikvision 5.30 Release Notes ("Please remember not all changes are always documented in firmware update release notes")

I say this because companies don't waste their precious time and monies with "Updates" because they can't find anything else to do with their staff and profits and because this specific manufacture also suggests installing new firmware updates in their "Best Security Practices" for end users guide.

Please see Hikvisions:

Best Security Practices for End Users. Learn more about best practices for configuring and using your Hikvision IP camera system.

Not sure why people continue to use the "If it's not broke don't fix it excuse" with IP Cameras. It seems to be given as advice with Hikvision IP Cameras more than other brands. But for sure it's not good advice to should apply to all IP Camera owners.

Because as we discussed at length before, if you camera is not exposed via port forwarding (which is a bad idea) and everything is working properly there is no reason to update the firmware....its not needed at all. There is no reason to rehash can go find that post and reread will save everyone some time...enough with the useless fear simply have an interest in screwing with hikvision users..hikvision changed the firmware to make it harder to do a region change...any security updates are months out of date...the cameras should not be exposed..end of story..
The proof is in the pudding, if what you are saying has any basis in truth then any camera that is no longer supported by the manufacture with firmware updates should not be used...if that is the case why are you not warning users on the foscam forum that you moderate to toss out their cameras that are no longer supported because foscam determined that they dont want to waste money fixing the bugs? This is hypocrisy at its best.
Now lets get back to the issue at hand and focus on helping the OP fix his problem.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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I can only suggest you study methods of how exploits can and do take place. Since you just re-validated, that you think exploits can only happen to devices that are port forwarded.

If some exploit were to make it into your local network. You want ("All") devices to be as fortified as possible from exploits that may have already made it into your local network by other means than the device in question. So that even if your local network was infected the IP Camera could still remain protected if it had the update vs. If it did not.

So this inaccurate concept you have created and now suggest that others should also follow. Stating that if you don't port forward a device. That a device magically remains "Bullet Proof" to security exploits and that there are no mentionable other worthwhile benefits to doing upates ("Now or in the future") like other fixes, performance enhancements and new features ("Because you say so"). Is a flawed one.

You keep mixing apples and oranges with IP Cameras that no longer have firmware releases available being somehow equal with you suggesting here. That others not install firmware updates for their IP Cameras, that do have firmware releases available.

The two situations are clearly not the same. I have answered you each time. Yet you still want to compare apples with oranges.

IP Cameras which have been determined to have reached their end-of-life cycle by their manufacturer and no longer have firmware releases. Have ("Absolutely") nothing to do with you suggesting here. That others should not use a firmware update which was released by a IP Camera manufacturer for their IP Camera. As you are doing here.

If someone has infected your local network you are screwed anyway.....what are you trying to protect at that point?
I am NOT mixing apples and oranges...
You state that IF a firmware upgrade is available then it should be installed...because if you choose not to all these terrible things will happen...
So by that reasoning, if there are no longer firmware updates then you are exposed to these terrible infections and therefore should not use your camera...
Its apples to are spewing your nonsense again...if you wish to continue with your manifestos find the old thread and continue it there...your comment above was the last on this issue in this thread...I will simply delete any further comments...
OP has an issue, if you cant help him solve it, start a new thread or find the old one.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Dear users,
Uber keeps posting despite being warned to move his comments to a new thread. This forum was started based on the idea that we dont ban comments or ideas that we may not agree with..He is being given the opportunity to post in a new thread. He has been warned. If he keeps this up and keeps reposting here he will be banned. He can go post his nonsense on the foscam forum.