Fenderman thank you! I believe that was it.
I updated my Intel Video Driver and the CPU useage returned to the levels I was seeing before they (recently) spiked to near-100%.I went to the driver update in Windows, and it reported it was the latest, however I searched Intel and there were later Intel drivers(higher version numbers), so I grabbed the latest, rather than reverting to an older one as you had suggested above for Daniel. And after reboot the CPU was no longer spiked at 100%, it was hovering around 75%
I changed MANY settings testing CPU on each one, and one thing of note: I saw a DRAMATIC change in CPU useage if you go to BI Options:Cameras there is an option to "
Limit live preview rate (does not affect recording)" that was previously unchecked (unset).
I set this, and my CPU useage dropped significantly...I set it to MAX at 5-FPS, and CPU is now 28-30%, if I set this to "10-FPS" CPU useage immediately goes to 65%-70%, and you get the trend....at 5-FPS I don't notice a thing "wrong" with the preview of any of my (4) 4MP cams...it is not what I would have thought ("static" or "pixelated" views) it views perfectly fine and now with the 28-35% CPU useage I feel I am able to add the next 2 cameras that I was intending to, before I hit this !00% CPU threshold.
Thanks for the information and discussion y'all!
Each and every one of the above options that were mentioned above, I tried, and it helped to read that similar folks were having similar problems.
Much appreciated.
BTW I am running this ALL on:
Asus mini PC
Windows 10
Blue Iris Release x64
Intel 1.7GHz 2 Core CPU
Intel HD 4400 Video Display Adapter (Driver: 8/16/2018 ver.
16GB Ram
250GB SSD drive
4 - 4MP Cameras of various brands and styles (bullet/dome) - intending to get 6 cams online when done.