Progressive Liberal Hypocrisy

I don't know. If there is one thing we can thank Obummer for, it's that if he was never president, we probably never would have had Trump as president. I really believe that Trump winning was a reaction to Obummer's presidency.

Not the proper frame at all. The progressive division is not good, and a bad POTUS like Obama "necessitating" a president like Trump is not a good state of affairs.

We're all thinking the other color is the enemy, meanwhile the lions (China, Russia, N. Korea) are fanning the flames. Great nations aren't attacked and defeated from outside, but from within.

Crocs is having a sale. Just thought you guys might be interested...

Crocs have always been a Croc O' Shtuff. They're for lazy miserable people (I'm being hyperbolic. I know plenty of medical professionals that wear them).

I've never liked them, but then again I've never tried them. The problem I always had is they are ugly as sin, and cost about $0.38 to make. How are people paying whatever they cost (I've never looked it up) to look terrible and lazy?

How sad.
The US will be overthrown and put into bondage by a foreign country in a matter of just a few short years and these people will never even know it has happened.

While these videos are "true" they aren't representative. Jay Leno used to do "Jaywalking" and show shocking videos of what people didn't know. Interview me for more than a couple minutes and I'll shock you with what I don't know, and I'm not a dummy.

They are entertainment, just like "news".

One of my first jobs was working at a local McDonalds. Started off cooking the burgers and ended up as a cashier. One day I was rebuked for counting back change. Was told the cash register displays the change and to leave it alone.

How many today could count back the change?

Recently, I paid for something with cash, which is unusual in itself, and a young woman counted back the change properly. Completely impressed me.

On a tangent, what I hate is "what can I get started for you". Well, you can start a normal human interaction instead of a robot script, for starters. The goal of all leftist agendas is to program us into indistinguishable robots; all interchangeable, so that we're all equally valueless, which is equitable!
Not the proper frame at all. The progressive division is not good, and a bad POTUS like Obama "necessitating" a president like Trump is not a good state of affairs.
I guess you did not catch the sarcasm.
Crocs have always been a Croc O' Shtuff. They're for lazy miserable people (I'm being hyperbolic. I know plenty of medical professionals that wear them).
I've never liked them, but then again I've never tried them. The problem I always had is they are ugly as sin, and cost about $0.38 to make. How are people paying whatever they cost (I've never looked it up) to look terrible and lazy?

I've never worn what they sell that look like Dutch Clogs.
Last year however I bought some Crocs flip flops on sale, they now also sell flip flops, and they were great, fit my foot well and are durable and last good.
Yet was looking to buy some more for summer but as you might guess, am not now.
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I drank too much and wrote this elsewhere, so I'll just repost here, probably not the right thread to post such a thing...

Do you listen to the Beri Weiss "Honestly" podcast? If you don't, it's very good. The most recent with Matthew Continetti was most excellent.

Something in the podcast reminded me of an aspect of prison (a common occurrence). I actually have recurring dreams of the satisfaction of being a prisoner. It seems absolutely insane to be satisfied with such confinement and regimine. The thing is though, it's also insanely easy to maximize your potential in prison. The day starts and ends on a schedule not determined by you (5am chow, 10pm lights out). No thought is put into what to eat or when. 10 hour days toiling in park maintenance; hard work for sure, but also satisfying to have a job and see the fruits of your labor. After eating and showering, you might have 2hrs to yourself. I lifted weights, and went from a scrawny 6'1" 160 lb boy to a shredded 6'2" 185 lb man. I read classic books, talked theology and philosophy with inmates, and saw the movies Shrek and Memento. With such narrow options, I had achieved the maximum state of being I could given the circumstances.

Now, many years (and several lifetimes it feels) post-prison, I've got everything anyone could want, yet I'm no more happy. In some sense I'm less so. Happiness doesn't seem to depend much on material wealth, but on maximizing potential. My success is greater as a free person, but considering the potential, I've fallen short.

How to connect this abstract thought with a broader problem? Dennis Prager says people don't want to be free, they want to be taken care of. In prison, you are minimally taken care of.

I'm rambling now and forgetting the precise conversations in both the Beri podcast, and a recent Douglas Murray interview that had the theme of people finding comfort in abandoning personal responsibility in favor of being subjected to rulers...

I'm totally ashamed to admit the appeal of confinement and the cheap satisfaction of achievement when the bar is so low. I would reject those impositions immediately out of principle, but the fact remains that it's so attractive to the human condition. We don't want liberty because of the responsibility. The greater the possible choices, the greater the likelihood that we've chosen sub-optimally, or worse, consciously chosen a corrupt way.

This is the insidious appeal of the left. If we give responsibility to someone else, we absolve ourselves of being responsible. While our opportunity horizon shrinks, our culpability horizon shrinks in proportion. Better to have mastered a dumb game than to have struggled with a challenging one.

Finally, I was listening to Jordan Peterson's "12 Rules for Life" today and he was describing the process humanity went through as told in the Genesis story. We were in harmony "walking with God" in the garden as ignorant creatures until we "ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil". Once humanity discovered inadequacy, we were quick to place blame on others. We were looking to make others responsible for the situation we're in. "I trusted the snake, or, I trusted the woman, so it's not my fault".

I've never worn what they sell that look like Dutch Clogs.
Last year however I bought some Crocs flip flops on sale, they now also sell flip flops, and they were great, fit my foot well and are durable and last good.
Yet was looking to buy some more for summer but as you might guess, am not now.

I pass no judgement and don't begrudge what people like. My wife bought 2 pairs of Crocs boots for my daughter and they're awesome (and still only cost like $0.38 to make). You know how much stuff from China I have? Like most everything. Like people, there are no companies without sin.
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How sad.
The US will be overthrown and put into bondage by a foreign country in a matter of just a few short years and these people will never even know it has happened.

Ah, but it gets worse......

I watched both of these with my 10 and 14 year old daughters. I paused each one of them as he asked the questions. They got them all correct...but the 69th stumped them....they were like, 'What 69th President?' Ha, haaaa. Even THEY passed it. I gladly owe them two Sonic Large Cherry Limeades! :)
But it was a great lesson to see the disbelief in their faces.....they couldn't believe how stupid they were.
Or your order is $6.03 and you hand them $11.03

Or your order is $6.03 and you hand them $7.03

Or your order is well all the ways to reduce the amount of coinage you get back lol.
Or if the computer system is down, they won’t sell the product because it can’t be entered into the system right then. Comes down to a lack of critical thinking skills.
I watched both of these with my 10 and 14 year old daughters. I paused each one of them as he asked the questions. They got them all correct...but the 69th stumped them....they were like, 'What 69th President?' Ha, haaaa. Even THEY passed it. I gladly owe them two Sonic Large Cherry Limeades! :)
But it was a great lesson to see the disbelief in their faces.....they couldn't believe how stupid they were.

One more thought. One of the interviewees was wearing a graduation gown, presumably from at least college. What's that say?
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